Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Analysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues - 1578 Words
James Baldwin’s short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†was a great tale of the struggles shared between two brothers in Harlem in 1957. This story is about two African American brothers who, unfortunately, grew apart as the aged. The plot shows the struggles the two brothers faced as they grew up in Harlem, and in return, the two drastically different paths they perused. James Baldwin was an African American who grew up in Harlem in the 1930s and 40s. Baldwin was the oldest of nine children, and grew up in a very poor family, having a very bad relationship with his stepfather. Baldwin followed in his stepfather’s footsteps in becoming a preacher, but as he was studying to do so, he realized that his true calling was to become a writer. Baldwin†¦show more content†¦The narrator says that he â€Å"couldn’t believe it: but what I mean by that is I couldn’t find any room for it anywhere inside me. I had kept it outside me for a long ti me. I hadn’t wanted to know†(Baldwin600). The narrator and Sonny haven’t spoken much since the death of their mother. The narrator wanted Sonny to stay in school and finish, and Sonny wanted to drop out and join the army or the navy, and then chase his dream of being a jazz piano player. Sonny agreed to stay in school at first, but after a while, he stopped going and eventually ran away and joined the army. After not hearing from Sonny in years, the narrator heard from him out of nowhere when he was deployed in Greece. Both Sonny and the narrator were living in New York years after the war was over. They would meet sometimes, but it would always result in a fight, and eventually the narrator and Sonny stopped speaking. Before their mother died, she told the narrator to look after his brother. She said â€Å"it ain’t only the bad ones, nor yet the dumb ones that gets sucked under†(Baldwin607). So when Sonny got arrested for heroin, the narrat or felt some guilt and that it was sort of his fault, but at the same time, he felt that he wanted nothing to do with him and his troubles. The narators confusion on the matter was put to a rest when he ran into one of Sonny’s friends right after the arrest, and his friend made it clear that as soon as Sonny got out he would goShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 916 Words  | 4 PagesJames Baldwin’s story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†tells the tale of two African-American brothers trying to survive in 1950s America. Both struggle with darkness in their lives, from drugs to bottling up emotions. The following sources were found Literature Research Center’s website. Each of the four sources will be evaluated for the quality of their information, as well as their usefulness on the topic of darkness in â€Å" â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†. Flibbert, Joseph. Sonny s Blues: Overview. Reference Guide to ShortRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 933 Words  | 4 Pagesstory. Blues is a genre of music that is often used to express a sad mood. The contradictory lives of the two brothers contribute to the theme of being safe and take risks. In this story, James Baldwin writes about two brothers who were raised together. As time passed, they separated from one another and lived completely different lives. â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†by James Baldwin addresses the themes of finding comfort in music, dangers of addiction and the suffering of two brothers. First, Baldwin uses theRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues Essay2104 Words  | 9 PagesSeveral dialectics are at play in James Baldwin’s short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†including a dialectic between the narrator and his beloved brother Sonny involving their opposing responses to the sense of oppression and limitation that arises from living in Harlem. This dialectic and its resolution closely parallel Baldwin’s masterful use of Blues, Jazz, and Gospel music. We follow the narrator and his brother Sonny as they traverse the complexities of their individual and interconnected Harlem livesRead MoreAnalysis Of Sonny s Blue By James Baldwin Essay1004 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Sonny’s Blue†by James Baldwin is a story about two brothers who grew up in poverty. One brother went on to become a teacher, while the other pursued his dreams to become a musician and finds himself in prison due to drug use. The story begins with the narrator finding out about Sonny’s arrest. It’s easy to see his shock and almost disbelief. It takes the narrator a while to write to Sonny, but eventually he does, and they regain communication with one another after over a year of silence. Sonny is releasedRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 1366 Words  | 6 Pagesand dark ultimately guides Sonny and the narrator in their journey to overcome their internal struggles. In the short story Sonny’s Blues, James Baldwin uses darkness and light to show struggles and, transformation as both brothers teeter between the different shades of the blues, using music as a way to bring them both to redemption. Often times, when light is used in stories, readers can very easily relate the idea to happiness and following the right path. Baldwin uses light to illustrate whatRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 995 Words  | 4 PagesJames Baldwin presents an emotional journey through Harlem in the 1950’s with his short story, â€Å"Sonny’s Blues.†From the beginning, the story is in medias res when the unnamed narrator is informed of bad news concerning his younger, troubled brother, Sonny. Throughout the story there is an ocean of emotions witnessed between these two brothers as they battle hardships from their past and present time. The setting plays an important role in â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†to an extent where it is practically a characterRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pagesntroduction: James Baldwin, author of Sonny s Blues, once said, I grew up with music...much more than with any other language. In a way, the music I grew up with saved my life (Session 3 Inquiry: Rudolfo Anaya and James Baldwin, 2015). Blues becomes Sonny s drug and his addiction to it his salvation.   Even though the adults refrain from lamenting their sufferings directly to the children and telling them about the darkness, the child-narrator still intimates its marks in their facesRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Sonny s Blue `` By James Baldwin1474 Words  | 6 Pages Music can be the lead to freedom from darkness. The story â€Å"Sonny’s Blue†by James Baldwin takes places in Harlem around the 1950’s. The story is about two brothers. One of the brothers is the narrator of the story whose name is unknown. The narrator tells the story of the struggles in Harlem but mainly the struggles of his brother with drugs, and his passion for jazz music. Through out the story the narrator avoids giving a sense of his own struggles with himself. However, in the end the readerRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny Blues 1753 Words  | 8 Pagesiniquity, gloom, or without light. In the short novel Sonny Blues by James Baldwin, the word â€Å"darkness†ap peared frequently throughout the reading. I think the significance of darkness of this particular situation of this book that Baldwin is trying to present is fear and suffering. It shows how the characters are in the state of panic and fear, of the situation they are in and all the sufferings they have to go through. Connecting the Baldwin to the novel, Harlem; where the story takes place isRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 1292 Words  | 6 Pages James Baldwin was raised in poverty in Harlem where, at the age of fourteen, he became a preacher in the Fireside Pentecostal Church. After high school he decided to become a writer and with the help of the black American expatriate writer Richard Wright, won a grant that enabled him to move to Paris, where he lived most of his remaining years. He wrote a variety of novels mostly about the intellectual trials of black men in a white, racist society and homosexual themes. James Baldwin wrote â€Å"Sonny’s
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay Free Essays
string(88) " a mismatch between methods used to mensurate effects and the type of larning promoted\." Introduction One the many challenges confronting developing states today are fixing their societies and authoritiess for globalisation and the information and communicating revolution. Policy shapers, concern executives, NGO activists, faculty members, and ordinary citizens are progressively concerned with the demand to do their societies competitory in the emergent information economic system. Globalization and technological alteration is a procedure that has accelerated in tandem over the past 15 old ages and has created a new planetary economic system powered by engineering, fuelled by information and driven by cognition. We will write a custom essay sample on The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The outgrowth of this new planetary economic system has serious deductions for the nature and intent of educational establishments. As the half life of information continues to go and entree to information continues to turn more rapid, schools can non stay mere locales for the transmittal of a prescribed set of information from instructor to pupil over a fixed period of clip. Rather, schools must advance acquisition, in an illustration the acquisition of cognition and accomplishments that make possible uninterrupted acquisition over the life-time. Concerns over educational relevancy and quality coexist with the jussive mood of spread outing educational chances to those made most vulnerable by globalisation as an illustration, developing states in general, low-income groups, misss and adult females, and low-skilled workers in peculiar. Information and communicating engineerings which include wireless and telecasting, every bit good as newer digital engineerings such as computing machines and the Internet, have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for educational alteration and reform. When used suitably, different ICT are said to assist spread out entree to instruction, beef up the relevancy of instruction to the progressively digital workplace, and raise educational quality by, among others, assisting do instruction and larning into an engaging, active procedure connected to existent life. However, the experience of presenting different ICT in the schoolroom and other educational scenes all over the universe over the past several decennaries suggests that the full realisation of the possible educational benefits of ICT is non automatic. The effectual integrating of ICT into the educational system is a complex, multifaceted procedure that involves non merely engineering but so, given adequate initial capital, acquiring the engineering is the easiest portion but besides course of study and teaching method, institutional preparedness, instructor competences, and long-run funding, among others. Contentss ICT base for information and communicating engineerings and are defined, for the intents of this primer, as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to pass on, and to make, circulate, shop, and manage information. These engineerings include computing machines, the Internet, airing engineerings, wireless, telecasting and telephone. In recent old ages at that place has been a land crestless wave of involvement in how computing machines and the Internet can best be harnessed to better the efficiency and effectivity of instruction at all degrees and in both formal and non-formal scenes. But ICT are more than merely these engineerings, but older engineerings such as the telephone, wireless and telecasting, although now given less attending, have a longer and richer history as instructional tools. For case, wireless and telecasting have for over 40 old ages been used for unfastened and distance acquisition, although print remains the cheapest, most accessible and hence most dominant bringing mechanism in both developed and developing states. The usage of computing machines and the Internet is still in its babyhood in developing states, if these are used at all, due to limited substructure and the attendant high costs of entree. Technology alterations quickly – and so make the particular tools available for instruction. As new engineerings are introduced, it is critical that their cost and impact in assorted educational state of affairss is exhaustively examined. While grounds shows that it is the existent application of the ICT tool that is the most of import determiner of its effectivity for educational intents, the pick of tools is rather big, and each tool has its ain advantages and disadvantages. Policy shapers and giver groups are frequently bombarded with information and surveies from sellers on the suitableness of their peculiar merchandises or services. As a consequence, there is a great demand for independent research on the rightness of specific ICT tools to assist run into educational ends. Radio and Television have been supplying educational scheduling in some states for many old ages. Many related new engineerings, including orbiter broadcast medium and multi-channel acquisition, have the possible to greatly increase entree to instruction. Today, the Internet is non widely available in most underdeveloped states, but new Internet engineerings and nomadic Internet Centre ‘s clasp promise for linking instructors, scholars, and communities. Furthermore, instruction has mostly contributed to an addition in developing cognition, supplying an enabling environment for invention and in edifice human capital required for a possible hereafter cognition economic system. Global reforms in instruction and disputing ICT demands have made a singular displacement in the construction of the enabling ICT environment and the use of ICT engineerings in instruction. Such engineerings have become the cardinal driver of the digital web in an epoch of technology-driven instruction. More schools and communities now have entree to ICT resources to fall in the planetary economic system with knowledge workers who have twenty-first century accomplishments and are inspired by life-long acquisition. ICT have great possible for cognition airing, effectual acquisition and the development of more efficient instruction services. Much attempt has been made towards the promotion of instruction and multi-literacies. However, it is by and large believed t hat ICT can authorise instructors and scholars, doing important parts to larning and accomplishment. Current research on the impacts of ICT on pupil accomplishment outputs few conclusive statements, pro or con, about the usage of ICTs in instruction. Surveies have shown that even in the most advanced schools in industrialised states, ICT are by and large non considered cardinal to the instruction and acquisition procedure. Furthermore, there appears to be a mismatch between methods used to mensurate effects and the type of larning promoted. You read "The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" Standardized testing, for illustration, tends to mensurate the consequences of traditional instruction patterns, instead than new cognition and accomplishments related to the usage of ICT. It is clear that more research needs to be conducted to understand the complex links between ICT, acquisition, and accomplishment. Many of the issues and challenges associated with ICT in instruction enterprises are known by policy shapers, donor staff, and pedagogues. However, informations on the nature and complexness of these issues remains limited because of the deficiency of good monitoring and rating tools and procedures. Where rating informations is available much of the work is seen to endure from of import prejudices. Another job in this country is the deficiency of a common set of indexs for ICT in instruction. And, where information has been collected, it is frequently quantitative informations related to substructure, for illustration, figure of computing machines, instead than informations that can assist policy shapers gauge the impact of ICT intercessions on pupil acquisition. If ICT are to go effectual and built-in tools in instruction, and if answerability is to be demonstrated to givers and stakeholders, monitoring and rating must be a priority country of focal point. It is clear that there are equity issues related to the utilizations of ICT in instruction. There is a existent danger that uses of ICT can farther marginalise groups already excluded or on the border of educational patterns and inventions. On the other manus, with supportive policies and careful planning and monitoring, ICTs hold out the promise of easing greater inclusion of such groups. While there is much research on the impact of ICTs and marginalized groups in industrialised states, there has been limited research into these issues in developing states. There seems to be small inquiring, nevertheless, that ICTs by and large give penchant to schools and scholars in urban countries and in countries where bing substructure is the best. Research related to equity and ICT to day of the month has focused chiefly on entree to peculiar engineerings. Much less attending has been given to how specific types and utilizations of ICTs are related to equity issues. Besides than that, about the true costs of ICT in instruction, there have been few strict costs surveies, peculiarly in developing states. Given current budgetary and resource restraints, a widespread investing in ICT in instruction is likely non possible in most underdeveloped states. It is, hence, critically of import to better understand the costs and benefits associated with ICT types and utilizations in assorted educational state of affairss in order to efficaciously aim scarce resources. There is some grounds, for case, that computing machines may be most cost-efficient when placed in common countries such as libraries and teacher-training institutes. One of the most cost effectual utilizations of ICT in instruction may be their function in bettering organisational and systemic efficiencies, including battling corruptness. Distance instruction is frequently cited as a cost economy investing. Indeed, economic sciences of graduated table are accomplishable in distance instruction , although such plans typically require big up-front investings. Some of these costs may be shifted from the populace sector to the single users, but this in itself raises important equity and entree issues. Again, a thorough scrutiny of the true costs and benefits of distance instruction is required. Financing mechanisms for ICT in instruction enterprises are rather varied. Due to the high up-front costs and big recurrent costs, states and communities typically employ a great assortment of funding and cost recovery mechanisms. Public private partnerships and user fees are of import constituents of funding ICTs in instruction in many states, although more research is needed to find the impact and effectivity of these mechanisms. Even the usage of ICT in the schoolroom or in distance instruction does non decrease the function of the instructor ; neither does it automatically change learning patterns. Experience has shown that a assortment of support and enabling mechanisms must be implemented to optimise instructor usage of ICT. While traditional instructor leading accomplishments and patterns are still of import, instructors must besides hold entree to relevant, seasonably, and ongoing professional development. They must hold the clip and resources to research this new cognition base and develop new accomplishments. Support of school decision makers and, in some instances, the community, is critical if ICTs are to be used efficaciously. In add-on, instructors must hold equal entree to working computing machines or other engineerings and sufficient proficient support. Accessing information is the chief usage of ICTs in instruction. While ICT, and the Internet in peculiar, supply entree to a universe of educat ional resources, those resources are seldom in a format that makes them easy accessible and relevant to most instructors and scholars in developing states. Simply importing educational content through ICT is fraught with troubles, every bit good as inquiries of relevancy to local demands. Experience shows that unless electronic educational resources are straight related to the course of study, and to the appraisal methods used to measure educational results, ICT intercessions may non hold positive educational impacts. Furthermore, ICT can be of import drivers for educational reform. They can assist in anti-corruption attempts, assistance in decentalisation, and play a cardinal function in informations aggregation and analysis. Still, there are many policy inquiries around the usage of ICTs in instruction, non the least of which revolves around which portion of the authorities is responsible for such policies. Some of the cardinal policy inquiries revolve around entree, equity, finance, and best patterns in scaling-up. As a comparatively new field, there is no standard depository for bing ICTs in education-related national policies. And, it is clear that successful policy preparation requires audience with a diverse group of stakeholders, many of which may be outside of the traditional educational system. Inventions in engineering and new merchandises are introduced in the planetary market place at a much faster gait than most educational systems are able to utilize them efficaciously. This issue o f timing is an of import one as pedagogues and policymakers operate with an oculus to longer term educational ends. The advantages and disadvantages of ICT in instruction include a scope of elements such as – †¢ Giving to teacher opportunity to be after short, timed, tightly focussed activities. †¢ Planning activities across a figure of Sessionss to let sufficient clip for all students to take parts. †¢ Up to day of the month and existent universe engineering†¦ prepares the kids for the modern universe! †¢ Helps pupils research subjects they are analyzing utilizing a broad scope of beginnings other than merely book from their school library, †¢ Aids the students to acquire an penetration into engineerings that they may subsequently trust on in future life. †¢ Using word paperss it gives the students a opportunity to show their work in a manner that suits them. †¢ Word and printing paperss available for show work intents. There is besides a high advantage of ICT equipment helping students with larning troubles. By snaping on the word instance study the undermentioned nexus will take you to a instance survey on podcasts and the advantages of working with kids that have larning troubles and besides shown on the secondary instruction page. The undermentioned disadvantages give a list of aims that staff and facilitators may be required to cover with should jobs happen throughout utilizing the ICT equipment. †¢ Cost †¢ Training †¢ Distractions †¢ Reliability †¢ Damage †¢ Safety †¢ Choping †¢ Resources ( or deficiency of ) As you can see I have already listed disadvantages of ICT in instruction and all seem dearly-won. The initial equipment even though would be an investing and acquisition assistance is expensive. After the initial cost there is the fact of developing the staff/ facilitators to utilize the equipment right as bad use can do wrong learning to students. Besides coming under cost is damage, as, if the equipment gets amendss so the harm fix fees are required to acquire the equipment back up and running. Distractions such as the cyberspace, computing machine games and electronic mail are besides a large disadvantage. Then we come onto safety and hacking that is discussed on the safety page. Decision In decisions, the modern coevals schoolchildren are turning up in an environment where information and communicating engineerings are embracing about all country of their lives. It is the duty of authorities to fix pupils with the accomplishments and cognition they will necessitate to take control of their digital hereafters. Therefore, it is of topmost importance for instructors to incorporate ICT into the course of study. This essay will discourse the great benefits ICT have on kid acquisition and besides explore the current way in which instructors can incorporate ICTs into the schoolroom. Using ICTs in instruction develops the needful skills a kid needs to utilize computing machines and other engineerings. However, ICT provide a instruction scheme that engages the scholar. ICT can make an exciting manner to show information to pupils and due to the fact that ICTs engages the scholar it allows the pupil to larn more. Another great positive of utilizing ICTs in primary schooling is that it addresses the fact that each pupil has different larning abilities. ICT allows pupils to stand out in their country of A‘intelligence, for illustration a kid who has spacial intelligence but has trouble in written look can demo their acquisition procedure through sound and images. The usage of ICT is besides good to a kid ‘s acquisition because it covers the four cardinal learning countries which are active battle, group, interaction and connexion with the existent universe. As I mentioned earlier ICTs prosecute the scholar, nevertheless, they can besides affect extended g roup work and interaction with both pupils and ICT equipment. ICTs play a cardinal usage in society ; hence, they give kids a existent universe connexion. This besides gives pupils aim in scholar because they are utilizing engineerings that they will necessitate to. How to cite The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Grade school book report free essay sample
Tom Sawyer The young protagonist of the novel. Living with his aunt St. Petersburg, Missouri, Tom has a penchant for adventure and showing off. Constantly getting into mischief, he plays hooky from school and would rather go swimming than tend to his Sunday school lessons. Blessed with an active imagination, Tom dreams to be a noble robber such as Robin Hood or a pirate. Hungry for attention, Tom is obsessed with appearing noble and obtaining the envy of his peers. However, Tom is extremely clever and possesses an incredible insight on human nature. Throughout the novel, Tom must learn to listen to his conscience and become accountable for his actions. Huckleberry Finn The towns social pariah. Son of an abusive and drunkard father who left town, Huck has failed to have been raised with any parental guidance or authority figures. Because he can smoke a pipe and never has to attend church or school, he is the envy of every schoolboy and the nightmare of every mother in town. Huck and Tom often have adventures and both believe in various superstitions. Although disregarded by the sociables, Huck possesses a kind spirit and consideration for others. Aunt Polly Toms somewhat elderly aunt and guardian. Religious, simple-mannered, and kind-hearted, Aunt Polly is respected among the citizens of St. Petersburg. Responsible for Toms discipline and upbringing, Aunt Polly is constantly torn between expressing her exasperation and showing her lover for Tom. Every time he causes trouble, another hair on her head turns gray; she often wishes Tom would behave properly like his brother, Sid. Sid Sawyer Toms younger half-brother. Always trying to tattle on Tom, Sid keeps a close on eye his brothers wrongdoings. A goody-two-shoes, he is a punctual and studious pupil. Mary Toms older cousin who resides with Aunt Polly. Mary is depicted as a sweet and good-hearted young lady who sees the good qualities in Toms character. Religious and pious, Mary was an exceptional student  ¬ the opposite of Tom. Becky Thatcher The daughter of Judge Thatcher. Becky is Toms age and has recently moved into town. Prim and proper, Becky is the opposite of Tom: she has never been in trouble and is used to obeying her mothers words. With blonde hair and dressy frocks, she quickly wins Toms affection and attention. Injun Joe The antagonist of the novel. Guilty of several murders, Injun Joe possess a violent temperament is set on seeking revenge on those who have treated him harshly in the past. He attempts to frame Muff Potter for one of his own crimes and is pursued by the village authorities. Muff Potter The town drunk who is framed for the murder of Dr. Robinson. Although his kind nature and drunken state make him harmless, Potter is persecuted by the entire town that believes that he is a murderer. Mr. Jones/Old Welshman The old Welshman who lives with his two strong sons in the vicinity of Widow Douglass house. With Hucks help, the Welshman is able to come to the widows aide. Widow Douglas A rich, upper-class widow. With a kind spirit and a devotion to the Christian faith, the widow Douglas is known for her open hospitality and good nature. She also appears as a major character in Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Dr. Robinson The young doctor, guilty of grave robbing, whose murder instigates the chaotic happenings in St. Petersburg. Joe Harper Toms bosom friend. One of Toms gang of pirates, Joe accompanies Tom on some of his adventures. Mrs. Harper Joes mother Amy Lawrence Tom Sawyers former girlfriend, whom he occasionally flirts with and was previously engaged to. Minor Characters: Judge Thatcher Beckys father. A proud and well-respected man of justice, whose family has recently moved into town. Mrs. Thatcher Beckys mother, wife of the Judge. Alfred Temple A well-dressed boy whom Tom thinks is snobby. Alfred also vies for Becky Thatchers attention. Mr. Dobbins The schoolmaster. Hated by all the children, Mr. Dobbins is depicted as a stern and pathetic man who uses lashings as a method of discipline. Mr. Walter The Sunday School Superintendent who issues Bibles to the top students. Mr. Sprague The long-winded minister. Ben Rogers A young boy who is Toms friend. Setting The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is set in the town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, some time around the middle of the nineteenth century Biography of the Author Born on November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri, Samuel L. Clemens wrote under the pen name Mark Twain and went on to pen several novels, including two major classics of American literature, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He was also a riverboat pilot, journalist, lecturer, entrepreneur and inventor. Twain died in Redding, Connecticut on April 21, 1910, having survived his children Langdon, Susan and Jean as well as his wife, Olivia. In his lifetime, he became a distinguished member of the literati, and was honored by Yale, the University of Missouri, and Oxford with literary degrees. Conflict Man vs. man Tom and Huck perceive their biggest struggle to be between themselves and Injun Joe, whose gold they want and whom they believe is out to kill them. Conflict also exists between Tom and his imaginative world and the expectations and rules of adult society. Moral of the Story Moral and Social Maturity When the novel opens, Tom is engaged in and often the organizer of childhood pranks and make-believe games. As the novel progresses, these initially consequence-free childish games take on more and more gravity. Tom leads himself, Joe Harper, Huck, and, in the cave, Becky Thatcher into increasingly dangerous situations. He also finds himself in tight spots in which he must put his concern for others above his concern for himself, such as when he takes Becky’s punishment and when he testifies at Injun Joe’s trial. As Tom begins to take initiative to help others instead of himself, he shows his increasing maturity, competence, and moral integrity. Tom’s adventures to Jackson’s Island and McDougal’s Cave take him away from society. These symbolic removals help to prepare him to return to the village with a new, more adult outlook on his relationship to the community. Though early on Tom looks up to Huck as much older and wiser, by the end of the novel, Tom’s maturity has surpassed Huck’s. Tom’s personal growth is evident in his insistence, in the face of Huck’s desire to flee all social constraints, that Huck stay with the Widow Douglas and become civilized. Point of View Third Person (Omniscient) the narrator does not participate in the action of the story as one of the characters, but lets us know exactly how the characters feel. As a narrator, Twain cannot only see what his characters are seeing and thinking, but he is able to channel their personalities.
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