Thursday, October 31, 2019
Free Black people in Antebellum America between 1820-1861 Essay
Free Black people in Antebellum America between 1820-1861 - Essay Example ng the effect of anti-black laws were segregation, lack of opportunities among blacks either at school or at work, lack of political participation in the public sphere and the general disenfranchisement against the blacks that made life difficult for them. Albeit there were few free blacks prior to the Antebellum period in America, they were still in danger of being relegated to slavery by many means such as being caught and sold into slavery, inability to pay debts and sold as slaves and losing their â€Å"freedom†documents which will automatically make them slaves since blacks were treated as slaves by default in the 18th century. And those who are deemed to be â€Å"free†still suffer from disenfranchisement, persecution and restrictions on their putative freedom. The rise of urban neighborhoods however slowly changed the political and economic prospect for the blacks. Urbanization nurtured black communities and from these communities emerged the free black people in Antebellum America which became prominent in periods 1820 to 1861. Community organizations, voluntary educations, mutual help societies and fraternal societies such as black temperance societies, Prince Hall Masons and Black Odd Fellows lodges helped united these emerging free black communities. And from these communities emerged the new northern black elite who were educated, professionals, wealthy and well connected that led antislavery movements. These emerging movements gave direction and mold for the black culture in the 20the century and later propelled the impetus for abolitionist movements that eventually emancipated the blacks such as the Civil Rights Movements which removed the invisible shackles of the blacks and made them equal in law and opportunity (Greven 173-174). One of the assertions of these new black elite was to racially integrate schools because segregated schools for the black were underfunded and poorly instructed. Black leaders realized that with the kind of schools
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
LL.M. Transnational Commercial law- Aspects of Insurance Essay
LL.M. Transnational Commercial law- Aspects of Insurance - Essay Example He said; Lord Mustill recently reviewed the history of good faith and the need to ensure full disclosure in the case of Pan Atlantic Insurance Co v Pine Top Insurance Co4, where he pointed out that the formulation of insurance policy is largely dependent upon information furnished before the execution of the contract, therefore the inequality of information may be addressed only by full disclosure of all relevant information. In Australia, Section 21 of the Insurance Contracts Act of 1984 (Cth) clearly lays out the scope of duty of a party that is purchasing insurance to disclose all the information that may be relevant to an insurer. This would include all information that is necessary for the insurer to make an objective assessment of the situation in order to decide whether or not it is prepared to accept the risk that is involved. In the recent case of McCabe v Royal and Sun Alliance Life Assurance Australia Ltd5 1, Mrs McCabe applied for insurance, but her condition was diagnosed only after she had sent in her preliminary application. But although Ms McCabe was hospitalized subsequently, she did not submit her doctor’s report to the insurance Company not disclose details of her illness and hospitalization. In this case, the Court held that the insurance Company was entitled to avoid the policy because Mrs McCabe had not fully disclosed all the relevant information about her health which was v ital to the insurer in making a determination about insuring her life. While a person seeking insurance is entitled to expect that an insurance Company will conduct its own independent analysis in making an assessment about the risk, the person seeking insurance also has a duty to provide all relevant information and a failure to do so would provide grounds for avoidance of the policy. The nature of non disclosure is also
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Relationship between GDP and Public Debt
Relationship between GDP and Public Debt On the Relationship between GDP and Public Debt during the EMU period (1991-present) The Maastricht Treaty laid out a central objective: that in order for the EMU to mature and lead to the establishment of a single currency in the EU – i.e. the Euro, the member nations’ fiscal and monetary policies had to be harmonized. The first task was for nations to reign-in their public debts by controlling their budget deficits. The Treaty created objectives that budget deficits had a ceiling of 3% of the GDP and the public debt had a prescribed limit of 60% of GDP. As Chart 1 reveals, that prior to the EMU efforts starting in 1991, there were some member nations that had extremely high public-debt to GDP ratios and they had to be under pressure to stabilize their government spending, and, hence the public debt. The idea behind imposing the upper limits on debt was to impose discipline and to reduce crowding out of private investment by lowering interest rates. As Chart 2 shows, that even though the growth rates of public debt in the pre-Euro years of the EMU era (1991 to 2005) were lower as compared to the pre-EMU period, they were still high for some countries. In order to study the relationship between GDP and Public Debt, this paper examines whether governments changed their fiscal policy regimes to suit the Maastricht goals. The dependent variable the ratio of Public Dent to Nominal GDP – is regressed on the GDP gap (i.e. the difference between Real GDP and the Potential Real GDP) as well as a dummy variable signaling a period when a regime shift would have occurred. The time-period is 1991-2005 and the data used is from the Eurostat (AMECO). There are two major events in the EMU era – the second phase of the process beginning in 1994 and the establishment of the Euro in 1999. So, two different models are studied – one that has a dummy variable equal to 1 for years 1994 – 2005 (Model A) and the other that has the dummy equal to 1 for 1999-2005 (Model B). If a country began controlling their debt around 1994, there should be a negative coefficient for the dummy in Model A and if they made a serious change in t heir fiscal policy around the time the Euro began, Model B should have a negative coefficient for the dummy. The coefficient for the GDP-gap variable should be negative – as theory dictates. (Macroeconomic theory tells us that governments ought to use expansionary fiscal policy in times of recessions and contract their deficits when the Real GDP cycle turns positive.) OLS Results for Model A. OLS Results for Model B. * These equations had evidence of auto-correlated errors; ** For these cases it is uncertain as to whether or not autocorrelation exists. The coefficient for the GDP gap is negative in almost all cases in both models. Most of the countries that do not have negative coefficients for the dummy variables in either model were those that had low public debt ratios to begin with – i.e. Austria, Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, and Spain. While Germany also had relatively low levels of debt, the integration of East Germany must have generated fiscal pressures. Among the high-debt countries – Belgium, Ireland, France, and Greece – only the first two show evidence of changing their fiscal policies in the EMU period. France and Greece continued with fairly high growth rates of debt growth. The fact that more countries demonstrate regime changes (negative coefficients for the dummy variable) in Model B might reflect that with the starting of the common currency, there was greater pressure to conform to Maastricht’s conditions. (For the cases exhibiting autocorrelated errors, I tried estimating the equations with differenced variables but that did not lead to improvement with respect to the problem. Hence, the original versions are displayed).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Retail Inventory :: essays research papers fc
     Retail Inventory-Level Planning consists of retail inventory method (RIM) which is an accounting procedure whose objectives are to maintain a perpetual. It also can book inventory in retail dollars amounts and to maintain records that make it possible to determine the cost value of the inventory at any time without taking a physical inventory. Also known as book inventory system or perpetual book inventory. Retailers also have another important choice to make the stock to sales ratio. The stock to sales ratio is derived directly from the planned inventory to determine monthly additions to stock in the merchandise budget plan.      Retailers generally think of their inventory at retail price levels rather than at cost. Retailers use their initial markups, additional markups, and markdowns, and so forth as percentages of retail. When retailers compare their prices to competitors’, they use retail prices. The problem is that when retailers to design their financial plans, evaluate performance, and prepare financial statements, they need to know the cost value of their inventory. Retailers use physical inventories. This process is time consuming and costly. Retailers take physical inventories once or twice a year.      Many retailers use point of sale terminals that keep track of every item sold its original cost, and its final selling price. The rest of the retailers face a problem of not knowing the cost value of their inventory at one time. These retailers with either computerized or manual systems can use retail inventory method. Their are five advantages for using RIM over a system of inventory at cost. The does not have to â€Å"cost†each time. When retailers have many SKUs, keeping track of each item becomes difficult and expensive. It is easier to determine the value of inventory with the retail prices marked on the merchandise than unmarked or at coded cost prices. The second advantage for using RIM is that it follows the accepted accounting principal of valuing assets at cost or market value, which is lower. This system lowers the value of inventory when markdowns are taken but does not allow inventory’s value increase with additional markups.           When using RIM, the amounts and percentages of initial markups, markdowns, and shrinkage can be identified. This information can then be compared with historical records or industry norms.      RIM is useful for determining shrinkage. The difference between the book inventory and the physical inventory can be attributed to shrinkage.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Personal training
Personal Training I have a passion for action sports, physical fitness and wellbeing. There is no better feeling in the world than being healthy. Along with being healthy, comes physical fitness and athleticism. But accomplishing these goals is no easy task. Athletes don't wake up every day physically in top shape and able to perform their best athletically without hours on top of hours of hard work and proper dieting.Not many athletes know the ins and outs of proper training and dieting, which is why hey refer to a personal trainer for the tips and advice they need to succeed. A major in Kinesiology is an excellent way to gain the proper knowledge to help athletes get to where they need to be. As a personal trainer, you have many duties related to your Job. Trainers are responsible for providing various personal training services that help members maximize their workout efficiency. And to also improve physical fitness and wellbeing. Personal trainers demonstrate exercises.These vary , depending on his or her client's level of fitness capability, age and weight. These demonstrated exercises ould be as simple as a squat or as advanced as a power clean. It is important as a trainer to get to know your client. Such as their level of fitness, what theyre physically capable of performing. Personal trainer need to be able to determine what exercises can benefit their client or potentially harm them (California). Trainers are also responsible for creating a healthy diet plan for their client to follow, in order to help accomplish their fitness or health goals.This part of personal training is the most difficult. Diet plans can be very difficult for the average person to follow and keep track of. Just like the physical part of personal training, a diet plan very depending on client's fitness goals, age and weight. For example, if a middle aged man is looking to lose a significant amount of weight, he would need to do a few things. First, in order to lose weight your bod y need to burn carbohydrates that have been consumed in the past twenty-four hours. Once your body has depleted all unused carbohydrates, it can now access your bodys stored fat source and start to burn it off.But in order to burn carbohydrates in the first place, he must engage in high intense exercises, which min in their late thirties usually don't do. So what needs to happen is he must alter his diet to eat six times a day. The content of his diet would be low carbs and proteins. The reason for him to eat six times a day is to keep his metabolism running so he can burn fat during his daily routine. Along with a diet, comes exercise with his personal trainer. His workouts would consist of very low weight, with a high number of repetition.The reason for low weight workouts is because he would be low on carbs which would highly effect his strength. The high amount of reps will cause his muscles to fire quicker, causing him to burn carbohydrates then start burning stored tat ( Train ers can work in many different places. For example, if a trainer has a group workout in urban areas, he could meet his clients at a local park or running trail. The most common place would be the gym, where a personal trainer can train one or more individuals. Trainers even go to clients homes for personal workouts.That's usually the case for elderly people who would have a hard time leaving their home. Qualified trainers travel to hospitals to train rehabilitated patients who may have been injured in an accident and is in need to re-train their muscles (United). To become a trainer is not very difficult. A degree is not needed, but would be very beneficial. My personal trainer, Brodie Priestley recommended a degree in kinesiology and nutrition. Also having a background in sports and powerlifting benefit me. Even though a degree in not required, sources indicate it would do nothing but help (United States).During my interview I asked my trainer Priestley what made him choose kinesio logy as his profession. â€Å"It was simple†Priestley replied. â€Å"My father was a world class power lifter, benching over five-hundred pounds as a senior in high school. So like every kid, I wanted to be Just like my father. I fell in love with lifting weights and lay sports. The more I lifted weights, the more results I saw and I began to feel better about myself,†Priestley explained. â€Å"l quickly got addicted to lifting weights and wanted to keep progressing.I began to educate myself more on lifting weights and ways to get bigger and stronger. My obsession with lifting weights and muscles development got to the point where I stopped playing sports to focus on powerlifting. †Priestleys hard work was paying off as he took first place in numerous powerlifting events. â€Å"l wasn't Just winning, I was blowing my competition out of the water,†Priestley explained. Priestley worked his way up to become the number three power lifter in the nation, an d later broke the world record in bench press for his weight class. It was obvious that I was good at what I did, so I wanted to help others accomplish their physical fitness goals. So I began Personal training at a local gym. I quickly fell in love with helping others and seeing them progress. It's a cool feeling, I couldn't be happier with what I'm doing†Priestley explained to me. I asked Priestley what he though was the toughest part about being a personal trainer. Priestleys response was simple, he told me that â€Å"as long as you're doing omething you love, it doesn't really matter what you do to get there.But I guess the hardest part of being a personal trainer would be getting some clients to trust you and to buy into your system. †Priestley continued on saying that some people who may have been out of shape most of their life have a hard time believing that they can lose weight and get in shape by following my weight loss program, which makes it difficult to train that individual. Next I asked Priestley what he liked most about his Job. Priestley responded by saying â€Å"The best part of my Job is seeing true results in my clients. There is no better feeling as a trainer knowing that you helped someone get healthy and physically fit.In most cases that is a life changing event for people who used to be highly over weight and unhealthy. That person can now walk around proud of their appearance and have all the confidence in the world, all because of my help. To me there is no better teeling. †Even though I learned that an education is not need to become a trainer, I asked Priestley what steps he took in school to get where he is today. Priestley told me that getting his master's degree in kinesiology, and minor degree in nutrition was the martest thing he has ever done. My degree helped me in every way possible, I now have an edge on a lot of trainers that might not have a degree. But not only am I more educated but my degree get s me more business which is awesome! †Researching my career choice has reassured me that becoming a personal trainer is who I am going to become. My trainer has had the biggest impact on my decision. He has helped me so much and IVe also seen him help many others. I learned that what you get out of training someone is the ultimate prize. In conclusion kinesiology is what I have chosen as my career choice. Personal training Personal Training I have a passion for action sports, physical fitness and wellbeing. There is no better feeling in the world than being healthy. Along with being healthy, comes physical fitness and athleticism. But accomplishing these goals is no easy task. Athletes don't wake up every day physically in top shape and able to perform their best athletically without hours on top of hours of hard work and proper dieting.Not many athletes know the ins and outs of proper training and dieting, which is why hey refer to a personal trainer for the tips and advice they need to succeed. A major in Kinesiology is an excellent way to gain the proper knowledge to help athletes get to where they need to be. As a personal trainer, you have many duties related to your Job. Trainers are responsible for providing various personal training services that help members maximize their workout efficiency. And to also improve physical fitness and wellbeing. Personal trainers demonstrate exercises.These vary , depending on his or her client's level of fitness capability, age and weight. These demonstrated exercises ould be as simple as a squat or as advanced as a power clean. It is important as a trainer to get to know your client. Such as their level of fitness, what theyre physically capable of performing. Personal trainer need to be able to determine what exercises can benefit their client or potentially harm them (California). Trainers are also responsible for creating a healthy diet plan for their client to follow, in order to help accomplish their fitness or health goals.This part of personal training is the most difficult. Diet plans can be very difficult for the average person to follow and keep track of. Just like the physical part of personal training, a diet plan very depending on client's fitness goals, age and weight. For example, if a middle aged man is looking to lose a significant amount of weight, he would need to do a few things. First, in order to lose weight your bod y need to burn carbohydrates that have been consumed in the past twenty-four hours. Once your body has depleted all unused carbohydrates, it can now access your bodys stored fat source and start to burn it off.But in order to burn carbohydrates in the first place, he must engage in high intense exercises, which min in their late thirties usually don't do. So what needs to happen is he must alter his diet to eat six times a day. The content of his diet would be low carbs and proteins. The reason for him to eat six times a day is to keep his metabolism running so he can burn fat during his daily routine. Along with a diet, comes exercise with his personal trainer. His workouts would consist of very low weight, with a high number of repetition.The reason for low weight workouts is because he would be low on carbs which would highly effect his strength. The high amount of reps will cause his muscles to fire quicker, causing him to burn carbohydrates then start burning stored tat ( Train ers can work in many different places. For example, if a trainer has a group workout in urban areas, he could meet his clients at a local park or running trail. The most common place would be the gym, where a personal trainer can train one or more individuals. Trainers even go to clients homes for personal workouts.That's usually the case for elderly people who would have a hard time leaving their home. Qualified trainers travel to hospitals to train rehabilitated patients who may have been injured in an accident and is in need to re-train their muscles (United). To become a trainer is not very difficult. A degree is not needed, but would be very beneficial. My personal trainer, Brodie Priestley recommended a degree in kinesiology and nutrition. Also having a background in sports and powerlifting benefit me. Even though a degree in not required, sources indicate it would do nothing but help (United States).During my interview I asked my trainer Priestley what made him choose kinesio logy as his profession. â€Å"It was simple†Priestley replied. â€Å"My father was a world class power lifter, benching over five-hundred pounds as a senior in high school. So like every kid, I wanted to be Just like my father. I fell in love with lifting weights and lay sports. The more I lifted weights, the more results I saw and I began to feel better about myself,†Priestley explained. â€Å"l quickly got addicted to lifting weights and wanted to keep progressing.I began to educate myself more on lifting weights and ways to get bigger and stronger. My obsession with lifting weights and muscles development got to the point where I stopped playing sports to focus on powerlifting. †Priestleys hard work was paying off as he took first place in numerous powerlifting events. â€Å"l wasn't Just winning, I was blowing my competition out of the water,†Priestley explained. Priestley worked his way up to become the number three power lifter in the nation, an d later broke the world record in bench press for his weight class. It was obvious that I was good at what I did, so I wanted to help others accomplish their physical fitness goals. So I began Personal training at a local gym. I quickly fell in love with helping others and seeing them progress. It's a cool feeling, I couldn't be happier with what I'm doing†Priestley explained to me. I asked Priestley what he though was the toughest part about being a personal trainer. Priestleys response was simple, he told me that â€Å"as long as you're doing omething you love, it doesn't really matter what you do to get there.But I guess the hardest part of being a personal trainer would be getting some clients to trust you and to buy into your system. †Priestley continued on saying that some people who may have been out of shape most of their life have a hard time believing that they can lose weight and get in shape by following my weight loss program, which makes it difficult to train that individual. Next I asked Priestley what he liked most about his Job. Priestley responded by saying â€Å"The best part of my Job is seeing true results in my clients. There is no better feeling as a trainer knowing that you helped someone get healthy and physically fit.In most cases that is a life changing event for people who used to be highly over weight and unhealthy. That person can now walk around proud of their appearance and have all the confidence in the world, all because of my help. To me there is no better teeling. †Even though I learned that an education is not need to become a trainer, I asked Priestley what steps he took in school to get where he is today. Priestley told me that getting his master's degree in kinesiology, and minor degree in nutrition was the martest thing he has ever done. My degree helped me in every way possible, I now have an edge on a lot of trainers that might not have a degree. But not only am I more educated but my degree get s me more business which is awesome! †Researching my career choice has reassured me that becoming a personal trainer is who I am going to become. My trainer has had the biggest impact on my decision. He has helped me so much and IVe also seen him help many others. I learned that what you get out of training someone is the ultimate prize. In conclusion kinesiology is what I have chosen as my career choice.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cursive Writing Essay
Cursive writing is important because the tactile discipline involved in cursive writing is not found in any other writing forms. The student learns how to control writing tools which helps the learner master rules of formatting. When a student is able to follow rules, he will master creating his own set of values. Cursive writing that entails more hand and eye coordination helps the student use varying skills. Cursive writing also practices visual talent of the child. With proper cursive writing, note taking which is a life skill will definitely be effective in helping the child transform into a productive adult of society. III. Practice writing of letters e, l, g, q and i will assume that the student has learned a, o, c and d. Words that can be formed from these letters, that can be practiced as well are; leg, eel, gel, quail, goal and glad. IV. Teaching activities that provide adequate modelling and oppportunities for practice. a. repeatitive cursive practice Cursive practice is often done using the lined paper with blue, red and blue lines. The child follows a dotted line to practice the letters in the first line. The dotted lines disappear as the practice progress. b. writing non-words A fun way to practice cursive writing of letters is imagining words that do not have meaning and writing it alternately with a partner. The more words the student can think of given a set of letters, the more practice will be done in a fun way. c. filling in the blanks This practice entails preparing sentences with blanks. The words will be written by the student in curive format. References: Berninger, V., & Graham, S. (1998). Language by hand: A synthesis of a decade of research on handwriting. Handwriting Review, 12, 11-25. Connelly, V. , Dockrell, J. , & Barnett, J. (2005). The slow handwriting of undergraduate students constrains overall performance in exam essays. Educational Psychology, 25, 99-107. Edwards, L. (2003). Writing instruction in kindergarten: Examining an emerging area of research for children with writing and reading difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 36, 136. Zaner-Bloser, Inc. http://www. zaner-bloser. com/html/HWgen. html
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