Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Analysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues - 1578 Words
James Baldwin’s short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†was a great tale of the struggles shared between two brothers in Harlem in 1957. This story is about two African American brothers who, unfortunately, grew apart as the aged. The plot shows the struggles the two brothers faced as they grew up in Harlem, and in return, the two drastically different paths they perused. James Baldwin was an African American who grew up in Harlem in the 1930s and 40s. Baldwin was the oldest of nine children, and grew up in a very poor family, having a very bad relationship with his stepfather. Baldwin followed in his stepfather’s footsteps in becoming a preacher, but as he was studying to do so, he realized that his true calling was to become a writer. Baldwin†¦show more content†¦The narrator says that he â€Å"couldn’t believe it: but what I mean by that is I couldn’t find any room for it anywhere inside me. I had kept it outside me for a long ti me. I hadn’t wanted to know†(Baldwin600). The narrator and Sonny haven’t spoken much since the death of their mother. The narrator wanted Sonny to stay in school and finish, and Sonny wanted to drop out and join the army or the navy, and then chase his dream of being a jazz piano player. Sonny agreed to stay in school at first, but after a while, he stopped going and eventually ran away and joined the army. After not hearing from Sonny in years, the narrator heard from him out of nowhere when he was deployed in Greece. Both Sonny and the narrator were living in New York years after the war was over. They would meet sometimes, but it would always result in a fight, and eventually the narrator and Sonny stopped speaking. Before their mother died, she told the narrator to look after his brother. She said â€Å"it ain’t only the bad ones, nor yet the dumb ones that gets sucked under†(Baldwin607). So when Sonny got arrested for heroin, the narrat or felt some guilt and that it was sort of his fault, but at the same time, he felt that he wanted nothing to do with him and his troubles. The narators confusion on the matter was put to a rest when he ran into one of Sonny’s friends right after the arrest, and his friend made it clear that as soon as Sonny got out he would goShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 916 Words  | 4 PagesJames Baldwin’s story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†tells the tale of two African-American brothers trying to survive in 1950s America. Both struggle with darkness in their lives, from drugs to bottling up emotions. The following sources were found Literature Research Center’s website. Each of the four sources will be evaluated for the quality of their information, as well as their usefulness on the topic of darkness in â€Å" â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†. Flibbert, Joseph. Sonny s Blues: Overview. Reference Guide to ShortRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 933 Words  | 4 Pagesstory. Blues is a genre of music that is often used to express a sad mood. The contradictory lives of the two brothers contribute to the theme of being safe and take risks. In this story, James Baldwin writes about two brothers who were raised together. As time passed, they separated from one another and lived completely different lives. â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†by James Baldwin addresses the themes of finding comfort in music, dangers of addiction and the suffering of two brothers. First, Baldwin uses theRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues Essay2104 Words  | 9 PagesSeveral dialectics are at play in James Baldwin’s short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†including a dialectic between the narrator and his beloved brother Sonny involving their opposing responses to the sense of oppression and limitation that arises from living in Harlem. This dialectic and its resolution closely parallel Baldwin’s masterful use of Blues, Jazz, and Gospel music. We follow the narrator and his brother Sonny as they traverse the complexities of their individual and interconnected Harlem livesRead MoreAnalysis Of Sonny s Blue By James Baldwin Essay1004 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Sonny’s Blue†by James Baldwin is a story about two brothers who grew up in poverty. One brother went on to become a teacher, while the other pursued his dreams to become a musician and finds himself in prison due to drug use. The story begins with the narrator finding out about Sonny’s arrest. It’s easy to see his shock and almost disbelief. It takes the narrator a while to write to Sonny, but eventually he does, and they regain communication with one another after over a year of silence. Sonny is releasedRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 1366 Words  | 6 Pagesand dark ultimately guides Sonny and the narrator in their journey to overcome their internal struggles. In the short story Sonny’s Blues, James Baldwin uses darkness and light to show struggles and, transformation as both brothers teeter between the different shades of the blues, using music as a way to bring them both to redemption. Often times, when light is used in stories, readers can very easily relate the idea to happiness and following the right path. Baldwin uses light to illustrate whatRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 995 Words  | 4 PagesJames Baldwin presents an emotional journey through Harlem in the 1950’s with his short story, â€Å"Sonny’s Blues.†From the beginning, the story is in medias res when the unnamed narrator is informed of bad news concerning his younger, troubled brother, Sonny. Throughout the story there is an ocean of emotions witnessed between these two brothers as they battle hardships from their past and present time. The setting plays an important role in â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†to an extent where it is practically a characterRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pagesntroduction: James Baldwin, author of Sonny s Blues, once said, I grew up with music...much more than with any other language. In a way, the music I grew up with saved my life (Session 3 Inquiry: Rudolfo Anaya and James Baldwin, 2015). Blues becomes Sonny s drug and his addiction to it his salvation.   Even though the adults refrain from lamenting their sufferings directly to the children and telling them about the darkness, the child-narrator still intimates its marks in their facesRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Sonny s Blue `` By James Baldwin1474 Words  | 6 Pages Music can be the lead to freedom from darkness. The story â€Å"Sonny’s Blue†by James Baldwin takes places in Harlem around the 1950’s. The story is about two brothers. One of the brothers is the narrator of the story whose name is unknown. The narrator tells the story of the struggles in Harlem but mainly the struggles of his brother with drugs, and his passion for jazz music. Through out the story the narrator avoids giving a sense of his own struggles with himself. However, in the end the readerRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny Blues 1753 Words  | 8 Pagesiniquity, gloom, or without light. In the short novel Sonny Blues by James Baldwin, the word â€Å"darkness†ap peared frequently throughout the reading. I think the significance of darkness of this particular situation of this book that Baldwin is trying to present is fear and suffering. It shows how the characters are in the state of panic and fear, of the situation they are in and all the sufferings they have to go through. Connecting the Baldwin to the novel, Harlem; where the story takes place isRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 1292 Words  | 6 Pages James Baldwin was raised in poverty in Harlem where, at the age of fourteen, he became a preacher in the Fireside Pentecostal Church. After high school he decided to become a writer and with the help of the black American expatriate writer Richard Wright, won a grant that enabled him to move to Paris, where he lived most of his remaining years. He wrote a variety of novels mostly about the intellectual trials of black men in a white, racist society and homosexual themes. James Baldwin wrote â€Å"Sonny’s
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay Free Essays
string(88) " a mismatch between methods used to mensurate effects and the type of larning promoted\." Introduction One the many challenges confronting developing states today are fixing their societies and authoritiess for globalisation and the information and communicating revolution. Policy shapers, concern executives, NGO activists, faculty members, and ordinary citizens are progressively concerned with the demand to do their societies competitory in the emergent information economic system. Globalization and technological alteration is a procedure that has accelerated in tandem over the past 15 old ages and has created a new planetary economic system powered by engineering, fuelled by information and driven by cognition. We will write a custom essay sample on The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The outgrowth of this new planetary economic system has serious deductions for the nature and intent of educational establishments. As the half life of information continues to go and entree to information continues to turn more rapid, schools can non stay mere locales for the transmittal of a prescribed set of information from instructor to pupil over a fixed period of clip. Rather, schools must advance acquisition, in an illustration the acquisition of cognition and accomplishments that make possible uninterrupted acquisition over the life-time. Concerns over educational relevancy and quality coexist with the jussive mood of spread outing educational chances to those made most vulnerable by globalisation as an illustration, developing states in general, low-income groups, misss and adult females, and low-skilled workers in peculiar. Information and communicating engineerings which include wireless and telecasting, every bit good as newer digital engineerings such as computing machines and the Internet, have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for educational alteration and reform. When used suitably, different ICT are said to assist spread out entree to instruction, beef up the relevancy of instruction to the progressively digital workplace, and raise educational quality by, among others, assisting do instruction and larning into an engaging, active procedure connected to existent life. However, the experience of presenting different ICT in the schoolroom and other educational scenes all over the universe over the past several decennaries suggests that the full realisation of the possible educational benefits of ICT is non automatic. The effectual integrating of ICT into the educational system is a complex, multifaceted procedure that involves non merely engineering but so, given adequate initial capital, acquiring the engineering is the easiest portion but besides course of study and teaching method, institutional preparedness, instructor competences, and long-run funding, among others. Contentss ICT base for information and communicating engineerings and are defined, for the intents of this primer, as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to pass on, and to make, circulate, shop, and manage information. These engineerings include computing machines, the Internet, airing engineerings, wireless, telecasting and telephone. In recent old ages at that place has been a land crestless wave of involvement in how computing machines and the Internet can best be harnessed to better the efficiency and effectivity of instruction at all degrees and in both formal and non-formal scenes. But ICT are more than merely these engineerings, but older engineerings such as the telephone, wireless and telecasting, although now given less attending, have a longer and richer history as instructional tools. For case, wireless and telecasting have for over 40 old ages been used for unfastened and distance acquisition, although print remains the cheapest, most accessible and hence most dominant bringing mechanism in both developed and developing states. The usage of computing machines and the Internet is still in its babyhood in developing states, if these are used at all, due to limited substructure and the attendant high costs of entree. Technology alterations quickly – and so make the particular tools available for instruction. As new engineerings are introduced, it is critical that their cost and impact in assorted educational state of affairss is exhaustively examined. While grounds shows that it is the existent application of the ICT tool that is the most of import determiner of its effectivity for educational intents, the pick of tools is rather big, and each tool has its ain advantages and disadvantages. Policy shapers and giver groups are frequently bombarded with information and surveies from sellers on the suitableness of their peculiar merchandises or services. As a consequence, there is a great demand for independent research on the rightness of specific ICT tools to assist run into educational ends. Radio and Television have been supplying educational scheduling in some states for many old ages. Many related new engineerings, including orbiter broadcast medium and multi-channel acquisition, have the possible to greatly increase entree to instruction. Today, the Internet is non widely available in most underdeveloped states, but new Internet engineerings and nomadic Internet Centre ‘s clasp promise for linking instructors, scholars, and communities. Furthermore, instruction has mostly contributed to an addition in developing cognition, supplying an enabling environment for invention and in edifice human capital required for a possible hereafter cognition economic system. Global reforms in instruction and disputing ICT demands have made a singular displacement in the construction of the enabling ICT environment and the use of ICT engineerings in instruction. Such engineerings have become the cardinal driver of the digital web in an epoch of technology-driven instruction. More schools and communities now have entree to ICT resources to fall in the planetary economic system with knowledge workers who have twenty-first century accomplishments and are inspired by life-long acquisition. ICT have great possible for cognition airing, effectual acquisition and the development of more efficient instruction services. Much attempt has been made towards the promotion of instruction and multi-literacies. However, it is by and large believed t hat ICT can authorise instructors and scholars, doing important parts to larning and accomplishment. Current research on the impacts of ICT on pupil accomplishment outputs few conclusive statements, pro or con, about the usage of ICTs in instruction. Surveies have shown that even in the most advanced schools in industrialised states, ICT are by and large non considered cardinal to the instruction and acquisition procedure. Furthermore, there appears to be a mismatch between methods used to mensurate effects and the type of larning promoted. You read "The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" Standardized testing, for illustration, tends to mensurate the consequences of traditional instruction patterns, instead than new cognition and accomplishments related to the usage of ICT. It is clear that more research needs to be conducted to understand the complex links between ICT, acquisition, and accomplishment. Many of the issues and challenges associated with ICT in instruction enterprises are known by policy shapers, donor staff, and pedagogues. However, informations on the nature and complexness of these issues remains limited because of the deficiency of good monitoring and rating tools and procedures. Where rating informations is available much of the work is seen to endure from of import prejudices. Another job in this country is the deficiency of a common set of indexs for ICT in instruction. And, where information has been collected, it is frequently quantitative informations related to substructure, for illustration, figure of computing machines, instead than informations that can assist policy shapers gauge the impact of ICT intercessions on pupil acquisition. If ICT are to go effectual and built-in tools in instruction, and if answerability is to be demonstrated to givers and stakeholders, monitoring and rating must be a priority country of focal point. It is clear that there are equity issues related to the utilizations of ICT in instruction. There is a existent danger that uses of ICT can farther marginalise groups already excluded or on the border of educational patterns and inventions. On the other manus, with supportive policies and careful planning and monitoring, ICTs hold out the promise of easing greater inclusion of such groups. While there is much research on the impact of ICTs and marginalized groups in industrialised states, there has been limited research into these issues in developing states. There seems to be small inquiring, nevertheless, that ICTs by and large give penchant to schools and scholars in urban countries and in countries where bing substructure is the best. Research related to equity and ICT to day of the month has focused chiefly on entree to peculiar engineerings. Much less attending has been given to how specific types and utilizations of ICTs are related to equity issues. Besides than that, about the true costs of ICT in instruction, there have been few strict costs surveies, peculiarly in developing states. Given current budgetary and resource restraints, a widespread investing in ICT in instruction is likely non possible in most underdeveloped states. It is, hence, critically of import to better understand the costs and benefits associated with ICT types and utilizations in assorted educational state of affairss in order to efficaciously aim scarce resources. There is some grounds, for case, that computing machines may be most cost-efficient when placed in common countries such as libraries and teacher-training institutes. One of the most cost effectual utilizations of ICT in instruction may be their function in bettering organisational and systemic efficiencies, including battling corruptness. Distance instruction is frequently cited as a cost economy investing. Indeed, economic sciences of graduated table are accomplishable in distance instruction , although such plans typically require big up-front investings. Some of these costs may be shifted from the populace sector to the single users, but this in itself raises important equity and entree issues. Again, a thorough scrutiny of the true costs and benefits of distance instruction is required. Financing mechanisms for ICT in instruction enterprises are rather varied. Due to the high up-front costs and big recurrent costs, states and communities typically employ a great assortment of funding and cost recovery mechanisms. Public private partnerships and user fees are of import constituents of funding ICTs in instruction in many states, although more research is needed to find the impact and effectivity of these mechanisms. Even the usage of ICT in the schoolroom or in distance instruction does non decrease the function of the instructor ; neither does it automatically change learning patterns. Experience has shown that a assortment of support and enabling mechanisms must be implemented to optimise instructor usage of ICT. While traditional instructor leading accomplishments and patterns are still of import, instructors must besides hold entree to relevant, seasonably, and ongoing professional development. They must hold the clip and resources to research this new cognition base and develop new accomplishments. Support of school decision makers and, in some instances, the community, is critical if ICTs are to be used efficaciously. In add-on, instructors must hold equal entree to working computing machines or other engineerings and sufficient proficient support. Accessing information is the chief usage of ICTs in instruction. While ICT, and the Internet in peculiar, supply entree to a universe of educat ional resources, those resources are seldom in a format that makes them easy accessible and relevant to most instructors and scholars in developing states. Simply importing educational content through ICT is fraught with troubles, every bit good as inquiries of relevancy to local demands. Experience shows that unless electronic educational resources are straight related to the course of study, and to the appraisal methods used to measure educational results, ICT intercessions may non hold positive educational impacts. Furthermore, ICT can be of import drivers for educational reform. They can assist in anti-corruption attempts, assistance in decentalisation, and play a cardinal function in informations aggregation and analysis. Still, there are many policy inquiries around the usage of ICTs in instruction, non the least of which revolves around which portion of the authorities is responsible for such policies. Some of the cardinal policy inquiries revolve around entree, equity, finance, and best patterns in scaling-up. As a comparatively new field, there is no standard depository for bing ICTs in education-related national policies. And, it is clear that successful policy preparation requires audience with a diverse group of stakeholders, many of which may be outside of the traditional educational system. Inventions in engineering and new merchandises are introduced in the planetary market place at a much faster gait than most educational systems are able to utilize them efficaciously. This issue o f timing is an of import one as pedagogues and policymakers operate with an oculus to longer term educational ends. The advantages and disadvantages of ICT in instruction include a scope of elements such as – †¢ Giving to teacher opportunity to be after short, timed, tightly focussed activities. †¢ Planning activities across a figure of Sessionss to let sufficient clip for all students to take parts. †¢ Up to day of the month and existent universe engineering†¦ prepares the kids for the modern universe! †¢ Helps pupils research subjects they are analyzing utilizing a broad scope of beginnings other than merely book from their school library, †¢ Aids the students to acquire an penetration into engineerings that they may subsequently trust on in future life. †¢ Using word paperss it gives the students a opportunity to show their work in a manner that suits them. †¢ Word and printing paperss available for show work intents. There is besides a high advantage of ICT equipment helping students with larning troubles. By snaping on the word instance study the undermentioned nexus will take you to a instance survey on podcasts and the advantages of working with kids that have larning troubles and besides shown on the secondary instruction page. The undermentioned disadvantages give a list of aims that staff and facilitators may be required to cover with should jobs happen throughout utilizing the ICT equipment. †¢ Cost †¢ Training †¢ Distractions †¢ Reliability †¢ Damage †¢ Safety †¢ Choping †¢ Resources ( or deficiency of ) As you can see I have already listed disadvantages of ICT in instruction and all seem dearly-won. The initial equipment even though would be an investing and acquisition assistance is expensive. After the initial cost there is the fact of developing the staff/ facilitators to utilize the equipment right as bad use can do wrong learning to students. Besides coming under cost is damage, as, if the equipment gets amendss so the harm fix fees are required to acquire the equipment back up and running. Distractions such as the cyberspace, computing machine games and electronic mail are besides a large disadvantage. Then we come onto safety and hacking that is discussed on the safety page. Decision In decisions, the modern coevals schoolchildren are turning up in an environment where information and communicating engineerings are embracing about all country of their lives. It is the duty of authorities to fix pupils with the accomplishments and cognition they will necessitate to take control of their digital hereafters. Therefore, it is of topmost importance for instructors to incorporate ICT into the course of study. This essay will discourse the great benefits ICT have on kid acquisition and besides explore the current way in which instructors can incorporate ICTs into the schoolroom. Using ICTs in instruction develops the needful skills a kid needs to utilize computing machines and other engineerings. However, ICT provide a instruction scheme that engages the scholar. ICT can make an exciting manner to show information to pupils and due to the fact that ICTs engages the scholar it allows the pupil to larn more. Another great positive of utilizing ICTs in primary schooling is that it addresses the fact that each pupil has different larning abilities. ICT allows pupils to stand out in their country of A‘intelligence, for illustration a kid who has spacial intelligence but has trouble in written look can demo their acquisition procedure through sound and images. The usage of ICT is besides good to a kid ‘s acquisition because it covers the four cardinal learning countries which are active battle, group, interaction and connexion with the existent universe. As I mentioned earlier ICTs prosecute the scholar, nevertheless, they can besides affect extended g roup work and interaction with both pupils and ICT equipment. ICTs play a cardinal usage in society ; hence, they give kids a existent universe connexion. This besides gives pupils aim in scholar because they are utilizing engineerings that they will necessitate to. How to cite The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Grade school book report free essay sample
Tom Sawyer The young protagonist of the novel. Living with his aunt St. Petersburg, Missouri, Tom has a penchant for adventure and showing off. Constantly getting into mischief, he plays hooky from school and would rather go swimming than tend to his Sunday school lessons. Blessed with an active imagination, Tom dreams to be a noble robber such as Robin Hood or a pirate. Hungry for attention, Tom is obsessed with appearing noble and obtaining the envy of his peers. However, Tom is extremely clever and possesses an incredible insight on human nature. Throughout the novel, Tom must learn to listen to his conscience and become accountable for his actions. Huckleberry Finn The towns social pariah. Son of an abusive and drunkard father who left town, Huck has failed to have been raised with any parental guidance or authority figures. Because he can smoke a pipe and never has to attend church or school, he is the envy of every schoolboy and the nightmare of every mother in town. Huck and Tom often have adventures and both believe in various superstitions. Although disregarded by the sociables, Huck possesses a kind spirit and consideration for others. Aunt Polly Toms somewhat elderly aunt and guardian. Religious, simple-mannered, and kind-hearted, Aunt Polly is respected among the citizens of St. Petersburg. Responsible for Toms discipline and upbringing, Aunt Polly is constantly torn between expressing her exasperation and showing her lover for Tom. Every time he causes trouble, another hair on her head turns gray; she often wishes Tom would behave properly like his brother, Sid. Sid Sawyer Toms younger half-brother. Always trying to tattle on Tom, Sid keeps a close on eye his brothers wrongdoings. A goody-two-shoes, he is a punctual and studious pupil. Mary Toms older cousin who resides with Aunt Polly. Mary is depicted as a sweet and good-hearted young lady who sees the good qualities in Toms character. Religious and pious, Mary was an exceptional student  ¬ the opposite of Tom. Becky Thatcher The daughter of Judge Thatcher. Becky is Toms age and has recently moved into town. Prim and proper, Becky is the opposite of Tom: she has never been in trouble and is used to obeying her mothers words. With blonde hair and dressy frocks, she quickly wins Toms affection and attention. Injun Joe The antagonist of the novel. Guilty of several murders, Injun Joe possess a violent temperament is set on seeking revenge on those who have treated him harshly in the past. He attempts to frame Muff Potter for one of his own crimes and is pursued by the village authorities. Muff Potter The town drunk who is framed for the murder of Dr. Robinson. Although his kind nature and drunken state make him harmless, Potter is persecuted by the entire town that believes that he is a murderer. Mr. Jones/Old Welshman The old Welshman who lives with his two strong sons in the vicinity of Widow Douglass house. With Hucks help, the Welshman is able to come to the widows aide. Widow Douglas A rich, upper-class widow. With a kind spirit and a devotion to the Christian faith, the widow Douglas is known for her open hospitality and good nature. She also appears as a major character in Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Dr. Robinson The young doctor, guilty of grave robbing, whose murder instigates the chaotic happenings in St. Petersburg. Joe Harper Toms bosom friend. One of Toms gang of pirates, Joe accompanies Tom on some of his adventures. Mrs. Harper Joes mother Amy Lawrence Tom Sawyers former girlfriend, whom he occasionally flirts with and was previously engaged to. Minor Characters: Judge Thatcher Beckys father. A proud and well-respected man of justice, whose family has recently moved into town. Mrs. Thatcher Beckys mother, wife of the Judge. Alfred Temple A well-dressed boy whom Tom thinks is snobby. Alfred also vies for Becky Thatchers attention. Mr. Dobbins The schoolmaster. Hated by all the children, Mr. Dobbins is depicted as a stern and pathetic man who uses lashings as a method of discipline. Mr. Walter The Sunday School Superintendent who issues Bibles to the top students. Mr. Sprague The long-winded minister. Ben Rogers A young boy who is Toms friend. Setting The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is set in the town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, some time around the middle of the nineteenth century Biography of the Author Born on November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri, Samuel L. Clemens wrote under the pen name Mark Twain and went on to pen several novels, including two major classics of American literature, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He was also a riverboat pilot, journalist, lecturer, entrepreneur and inventor. Twain died in Redding, Connecticut on April 21, 1910, having survived his children Langdon, Susan and Jean as well as his wife, Olivia. In his lifetime, he became a distinguished member of the literati, and was honored by Yale, the University of Missouri, and Oxford with literary degrees. Conflict Man vs. man Tom and Huck perceive their biggest struggle to be between themselves and Injun Joe, whose gold they want and whom they believe is out to kill them. Conflict also exists between Tom and his imaginative world and the expectations and rules of adult society. Moral of the Story Moral and Social Maturity When the novel opens, Tom is engaged in and often the organizer of childhood pranks and make-believe games. As the novel progresses, these initially consequence-free childish games take on more and more gravity. Tom leads himself, Joe Harper, Huck, and, in the cave, Becky Thatcher into increasingly dangerous situations. He also finds himself in tight spots in which he must put his concern for others above his concern for himself, such as when he takes Becky’s punishment and when he testifies at Injun Joe’s trial. As Tom begins to take initiative to help others instead of himself, he shows his increasing maturity, competence, and moral integrity. Tom’s adventures to Jackson’s Island and McDougal’s Cave take him away from society. These symbolic removals help to prepare him to return to the village with a new, more adult outlook on his relationship to the community. Though early on Tom looks up to Huck as much older and wiser, by the end of the novel, Tom’s maturity has surpassed Huck’s. Tom’s personal growth is evident in his insistence, in the face of Huck’s desire to flee all social constraints, that Huck stay with the Widow Douglas and become civilized. Point of View Third Person (Omniscient) the narrator does not participate in the action of the story as one of the characters, but lets us know exactly how the characters feel. As a narrator, Twain cannot only see what his characters are seeing and thinking, but he is able to channel their personalities.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Right To Privacy Essays - Digital Rights, Human Rights
The Right To Privacy In the United States Constitution and its subsequent amendments, there is in no place a reference to the so called ?Right to Privacy.? But in several Supreme Court Cases, the judges have ruled in favor of a certain decision by stating that people of the United States have a ?Right to Privacy.? How do these judges make the conclusion that there is a right to privacy guaranteed in the constitution, when it is not specifically written? The answer is, that they imply the power based on several of the already predefined amendments. In the Supreme Court Case, Gideons vs. Connecticut (1965), the Court ruled that the Connecticut law stating that no contraceptive may be used. The plaintiff argued that they should not be penalized for something they do in there own home. When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court ruled in favor of the plaintiff, stating that there was a right to privacy in a man's home. In Mapp vs. Ohio, Police received an anonymous tip that there was a bomber inside the residence of a Mrs. Mapp. They came to her house, and she refused them in without a search warrant. The police came back later, handcuffed Mapp, and found several items of obscene material throughout her house. The supreme court ruled in favor the Mapp, stating the right to privacy in ones home, and the guarantees that the fourth and fourteenth amendments have. What gives the court the right to base a decision on the right to privacy? The first amendment to the constitution states that people have the rights of speech, religion, press, petition, and ?assembly.? More specifically, ?freedom to associate.? The court ruled that ?the disclosure of membership lists of a constitutionally valid association, was invalid.? It also ruled that ?we have protection in the associations that are not political in the customary sense, but pertain to the social, legal, and economic benefit of the members,? in NAACP vs. Button. Another reason why the right to privacy is implied is the fourth and fifth amendments. In Boyd vs. US, they are used as protection against invasions ?of the sanctity of a man's home and the privacies of life.? In Mapp vs. Ohio, the fourth amendment was referred to as ?a right to privacy, no less important than any other right carefully and particularly reserved to the people.? It is also referred to in Griswold vs. Connecticut case as ?the right to be left alone.? In NAACP vs. Alabama, the fourth and first amendments were used in conjunction to say ?we have the right to associate and to have privacy in one's associations.? Throughout the brief history of the Supreme Court, hundreds of cases have been held. Several of those cases have had the decision based on the ?right to privacy.? The problem is, that no where in any version or in any language does the United States Constitution specifically say we have a right to privacy. Even one of the most controversial cases in history, Roe vs. Wade, had a decision that was based at least partially on the ?right to privacy.? Whether it is written or implied by the courts, one thing is for sure, due to the ninth and fourteenth amendments, there is no way, that a state or national law will ever take away our so called ?Right to Privacy.? A Right To Privacy: Sure why not! American History
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Beatles
with sound. Yet, sometimes it can be passionate. A band is simply just people who transport music. Yet, sometimes they can be a big influence to others. They are the most popular musical artists in Rock and Roll through out the century. They are the one who most likely captures the media's attention. They are the most famous band in the World during the 60s and the 70s. They are the Beatles. The foursome guys who have talent with style, and together they create art in the musical World. Talking about the Beatles, nobody can refuse to mention the origin of the band, as well as their influences in the music, and their lives during the glorious times. The band was the combination of the four young talented musicians and singers, John Lennon, Paul Mccartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. All four Beatles were born and grown up in working class families in the same city of Liverpool. Yet, they never knew each other. John Lennon, a trouble maker and intelligent young student at the ti me, and a few friends formed the band. Since John later met Paul and Goerg, the history began. Ringo didnot join the band until their career made a turn to victory. The band first was named "The Quarry Men". However, going through many changes, eventually, they played under various names, icluding the Moondogs, the Werbles, Johnny, and finally the Beatles.... Free Essays on Beatles Free Essays on Beatles Music is an entertainment. yet, sometimes it can make history. A song is simply just words with sound. Yet, sometimes it can be passionate. A band is simply just people who transport music. Yet, sometimes they can be a big influence to others. They are the most popular musical artists in Rock and Roll through out the century. They are the one who most likely captures the media's attention. They are the most famous band in the World during the 60s and the 70s. They are the Beatles. The foursome guys who have talent with style, and together they create art in the musical World. Talking about the Beatles, nobody can refuse to mention the origin of the band, as well as their influences in the music, and their lives during the glorious times. The band was the combination of the four young talented musicians and singers, John Lennon, Paul Mccartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. All four Beatles were born and grown up in working class families in the same city of Liverpool. Yet, they n ever knew each other. John Lennon, a trouble maker and intelligent young student at the time, and a few friends formed the band. Since John later met Paul and Goerg, the history began. Ringo didnot join the band until their career made a turn to victory. The band first was named "The Quarry Men". However, going through many changes, eventually, they played under various names, icluding the Moondogs, the Werbles, Johnny, and finally the Beatles.... Free Essays on Beatles There is a saying that a company’s most important asset is its employees, and Target Corporation has embraced that. The corporation has a very low turnover rate in the members of upper management, which creates a healthy environment in the decision making process. A high turnover rate can cause a disruption in the decision making process. Since the stability of upper management remains intact, mostly each member would be used to the creative process, work ethics and style of the next member. It removes the guessing work in the process. A low turnover rate of upper management also works positively towards the decision-making process. It takes a considerable amount of resources to hire, train and coach a new employee. The process can be very tedious and expensive. The money saved from this can be used elsewhere, and the time can be used constructively in the decision-making process. Target Corporation also has a large share of the market in the Midwest, which means more recognition for the company. The bottom line is, the more recognized the stores are, the more likely customers would shop there, and that would increase revenue. So, having a large market share would impact the way Target does business. They would perhaps change their existing plans and concentrate mostly on gaining more of the market share, or just focus more on providing better service to their existing market. Target Corporation has also entered the world of Internet shopping. With the Internet, their customer base is unlimited. They have access to customers all over the world. With such stiff competition on the web, Target may have to change its marketing style to be more competitive. They may also need to change some policies regarding customer service. Since the customers on the other side of the computer and not face to face, that would call for some major changes as to dealing with customers. Whether an internal factor is a strength or weakn...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Heart Idioms and Expressions for ESL Learners
Heart Idioms and Expressions for ESL Learners The following English idioms and expressions use the noun heart. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help you understand these common idiomatic expressions. Once you have studied these expressions, test your knowledge with a quiz testing idioms and expressions with heart. Break Someones Heart Definition: Hurt someone, usually romantically, or to cause some great disappointment. Angela broke Brads heart last year. He cant get over her.I think losing the job broke his heart. Cross Your Heart and Hope to Die Definition: Phrase meaning that you swear you are telling the truth. I cross my heart and hope to die. Shes coming tomorrow!Do you cross your heart and hope to die? I wont believe you otherwise. Eat Your Heart Out Definition: To be jealous or envious of someone else. Im going to New York next week. Eat your heart out!When he hears about your promotion hell eat his heart out. Follow Your Heart Definition: Do what you believe is right. I think you should follow your heart and move to Chicago.She said she had to follow her heart and marry Peter, even if her parents didnt approve. From the Bottom of My Heart Definition: Usually used in the first person, this phrase means that you are completely sincere. Youre the best player on the basketball team. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.I think you are a wonderful person. Really, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Get at the Heart of the Matter Definition: Discuss the main issue, concern. Id like to get at the heart of the matter by discussing our marketing proposals.She didnt waste any time and got right to the heart of the matter. Be Halfhearted About Something Definition: Not do or take something completely seriously. I wish you werent so halfhearted about this new project! Get serious!She was rather halfhearted in her attempts to find a job. Have a Change of Heart Definition: Change ones mind. Fred had a change of heart and invited the young boy into his home.I wish you would have a change of heart about Tim. He really deserves some help. Have a Heart of Gold Definition: Be very trustworthy and well-meaning. Peter has a heart of gold if you give him the chance to prove himself.You can trust her. She has a heart of gold. Have a Heart of Stone Definition: Be cold, unforgiving. Shell never understand your position. She has a heart of stone.Dont expect any pity from me. I have a heart of stone. Have a Heart-to-Heart Talk Definition: Have an open and honest discussion with someone. I think its time we had a heart-to-heart talk about your grades.She called her friend Betty to have a heart-to-heart talk with her about her problems. Have Your Heart in the Right Place / Ones Heart in the Right Place Definition: To mean well, have the right intentions. Come on, you know John has his heart in the right place. He just made a mistake. Know Something by Heart /Learn Something by Heart Definition: Know something such as lines in a play, or music perfectly, to be able to perform something by memory. He knew all his lines by heart two weeks before the performance.You need to learn this piece by heart next week. Have Ones Heart Set on Something /Set Against Something Definition: Absolutely want something / Absolutely not want something. She has her heart set on winning the medal.Frank has his heart set against his promotion. Theres nothing I can do to help him. Ones Heart Misses a Beat / Ones Heart Skips a Beat Definition: To be completely surprised by something. My heart missed a beat when I heard the news that she was pregnant.She was so surprised by the announcement that her heart skipped a beat. Pour Ones Heart Out Definition: Confess or confide in someone. I poured my heart out to Tim when I discovered that I hadnt received the promotion.I wish you would pour your heart out to someone. You need to get these feelings out. Take Heart Definition: Have courage. You should take heart and try your best.Take heart. The worst is over.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Project Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Project Environment - Essay Example Project management is usually designed to fit into the scope of the project in question. Some projects are bigger than others and actually may comprise of a series of projects. In this case such projects are commonly referred to as programmes. For instance a project including some construction of an airport, roads leading to the airport, community facilities such as schools as well as a series of other related projects comprises of a really big project and there is a programme. Wembley stadium project is one of the biggest projects in the UK in the recent history (Nicholas, 2004). The Wembley National Stadium Project stretched over a period of 6 years and cost in excess of over ten billion pounds. Lessons learnt from management of the Wembley project as well as other projects serve as great case studies for organisational management especially in regard to how to address the challenges which happen in the process of organisational in change management, conflict resolution, stakeholder management as well as aligning an organisational strategy to the organisational mission. One of the major reasons why projects are conceived is the fact that there are needs in the community, in the organisation or in the society, which needs to be addressed. Project management identifies a pressing need or pressing needs, which it sets out to address by offering the necessary correctional measures. Once the needs have been identified by using the right needs assessment tools, the next step is to prioritise the needs identified in order of priority. Once the deserving cases have been isolated, the project is conceived probably by the change initiators who may include the government, community leaders, the management of the organisation or individuals who have an interest in the project. One of the greatest considerations before initiating a change in form of a project is to analyse the resources required in the project completion. The greatest threat which faces any project prior to initiation or even during the implementation process is the fact that no matter the status of affairs in an organisation or in a given setting there are some people who benefit from the given status. It is such people who pose the greatest threat to the change initiators for project conception in that they offer stiff resistance to the change initiation. Such opponents to change are usually people who benefit from the current state of affairs and see the change as a threat to the status quo, which they benefit from. Therefore there is a need for project managers to identify such people who fail to welcome the change and mange them properly. In some cases those who offer the greatest resistance in case of projects are key stakeholders in the project and therefore their continued resistance to the project may lead to the failure of the project. For example a project like the Wembley National Stadium came under opposition from the local community. Until the standoff between the project management and the local community was resolved it was impossible to move on with the project. In some projects the government may be reluctant to offer the necessary support especially in terms of is suing the right kind of licences. This
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Satoro Tanaka and Mrs. Hitara Importance in David Masumoto's and Pico Essay
Satoro Tanaka and Mrs. Hitara Importance in David Masumoto's and Pico Iyer's and Texts - Essay Example In Harvest Son Masumoto mentions how his interaction with a buckwheat farmer Satoro Tanaka comes to affect him profoundly, and how he develops a fondness for the farmer. Pico Iyer is a British-born, American-raised eminent writer of Indian descent who decided to settle in Japan. His essay â€Å"Our Lady of Lawson†is about his experiences in Japan as a foreigner who refuses to succumb to the pressure to indulge in native Japanese food. He talks about a convenience store he frequently visited and the effect it had on him, especially the interaction between him and the convenience store manager, Mrs. Hirata. The two stories therefore share the common theme of two foreigners analyzing two different characters in Japan. Discussion In Harvest Son, Masumoto forms a close attachment to a local buckwheat farm and its farmer, Satoro Tanaka, while in Eat, Memory: Our Lady of Lawson, Pico Iyer experiences the same emotional attachment to a local convenience store, Lawson’s, and it s proprietor, Mrs. Hirata. Several similar themes run through both of these narratives, starting from the similarities between both authors. First and most important, both Masumoto and Iyer can be considered as â€Å"wild†children, belonging everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Masumoto is a Japanese-American while Iyer was born in England but has been raised in the United States of America. Masumoto has journeyed back to the land of his ancestors to reconnect with their native heritage while Iyer has chosen Japan as his country of settlement. They are considered, as Masumoto puts it, â€Å"strangers†. Iyer writes of the sense of alienation due to something as basic as his entrenched American eating habits and lack of love for Japanese food; â€Å"my housemates in Japan simply shrug and see this as ultimate confirmation -- me dragging at some lasagna in a plastic box while they gobble down dried fish -- that I belong to an alien species†(Iyer, pg.1). His l ove of the convenience store further serves to solidify his characterization as an outsider who refuses to fit in, even though he insists that his love for Japan is real and on a deeper level. Having lived in the country for 12 years, he should still not be typecast as an alien, yet somehow, he still is. This he attributes mostly to his refusal to conform to Japanese food and his standing firmly by convenience-store meals. It can therefore be said of both of them that they are attempting to fit into their homeland’s culture, and understand and identify with their people. Masumoto identifies with Satoro Tanaka’s buckwheat farming while Iyer points out the specific attributes and values he considers â€Å"Japanese†: It's no easier to understand Japan in Western terms than it is to eat noodles with a knife and fork. Yet it has been evident to me for some time that the crush of the anonymous world lies out in the temple-filled streets; the heart of the familiarity, the communal sense of neighborhood, the simple kindness that brought me to Japan, lies in the convenience store.(Iyer, pg.2). The convenience store, and specifically, Mrs. Hitara, or Hitara-San, as Iyer refers to her in formal Japanese, comes to embody these values: And yet, in the 12 years I've lived on and off in my mock-California suburb, the one person who has come to embody for me all
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Impact of Information Technology on Governments and Educational Organizations Essay Example for Free
The Impact of Information Technology on Governments and Educational Organizations Essay The Impact of Information Technology on governments: The Information Technology has revolutionized the government in servicing citizen. The nation consists of many varied information. All the information collected in the advanced database system and the concern department can retrieve the data from the single database. simple example in our Indian Institution is Public Deliver Systems (PDS),Citizen Identity Card, Green Card in USA, Residential Card in Gulf Countries. The government Can share the Information over the secured internet to combat the fraud, terrorism, etc. IT had very big impact in the aerospace and defense system of any government. This enabled the government to gather intelligence and transfer the data to the concern department in â€Å"secured way†. Some of the complex and very accurate bomber B2 would be impossible without the development of computer modeling techniques in IT. the Impact of Information Technology on Educational organizations: As IT has developed over the last thirty years and helped the educational establishment to influence in various ways. The most obvious example has been the Introduction of Information Technology related courses. These courses are introduced to the society has for qualified people to develop these Information Technologies. Developments such as the internet, satellite television has created a good platform the citizen of the country to know about what happening in the government, sports, education, engineering, etc . Educational organizations also have a goal to distribute Information from a source (lecture ,books, on-line resources etc) to the student. The processed by educational establishment distribute Information have become increasingly diverse, and the effectiveness of the process has also improved. The internet has helped the education institution where specialization is limited and they are looking for the particular resources which are available far away can be used through the internet to deliver the lecture and lab. Information technologies have enabled researchers to access a wider sources of information than previously available through such technologies as the internet and other related technologies such as electronic email, also enabled collaborative project to be undertaken between geographically distant group.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Contraceptives and the Population Problem :: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation
Contraceptives and the Population Problem The question of overpopulation's impact on the environment is multi-dimensional and far beyond the scope of a single essay. The issue has to do with considering the environment a normal good while at the same time understanding the impact of industrialization on increased pollution levels. Relationships between industrialization, overpopulation, global pollution, regional pollution, resource depletion, and numerous other environmental and social concerns form a multi-dimensional series of feedback loops, all of which feed back on the original system. Computer models developed by economic research institutions to predict environmental and developmental impacts of population growth (ex. The World Bank, The Economic Research Service) are n-dimensional, only to be accurately evaluated using advanced statistical regressions and matrix analysis. As such, this paper will assume that there is a direct correlation between population and natural resource depletion (environmental degradation by way of pollutants is an entirely different, and more complicated issue), and the most cost-effective way of amelioration would be to restrain population growth. Given that, what is the correct means for policy to approach the population problem? The options include contraceptive distribution, family planning, general economic development, and gender equality among others. Essentially, policy has to address whether population can be restrained with a "tech fix" such as contraceptives or only after a broad socioeconomic shift. In 1992, Professor Jay Forrester and his team at MIT developed a computer model designed to simulate likely future patterns of the global economy based on a technique known as system dynamics. The system dynamic technique relies on feedback loops to explain human behavior, and this particular model predicted an overshoot and collapse of the natural resource economic base. This Malthusian prediction reinforced Paul Ehrlich's contention articulated in The Population Bomb (1968) that unbridled population growth is the foremost factor in environmental degradation and natural resource depletion. However, these pessimistic models failed to take account of the substitutive and absorptive capacities of humanity and the environment. In fact, these key economic principals temper the adverse effects of overpopulation and may increase general human welfare as a result. But the fact (or widely acknowledged as such) still remains that population growth, particularly in undeveloped nations puts an increased strain on the environment and the population supported by the local ecosystem. The 2003 World Development Report which is published by The World Bank Group indicates that farmers in third world countries are being forced to farm on marginal lands due to the growing scarcity of arable lands.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Extempore Speaking
Important Topics for extempore speaking (in MBA admission process) Why you should be selected? Focus on what strengths you bring to the table. These should be consistent with the four things most Institutes are looking for in students during the admission selection: competence, adaptability, enthusiasm, and never say die attitude. Remember, they are looking for chemistry between you and your future employer. Be prepared to summarize in short time why you are the best candidate for the seat. Also, let the institute know you want the admission and you will enjoy being with them.A lack of interest in the program may indicate a lack of enthusiasm for the institute as well as your future. Now that you've had a chance to learn more about us, what would you change about our institute? Be careful here. Most institutes don't want you to come in and shake up the place. At the same time, they don't want someone who says, â€Å"Nothing, everything looks great here. †Seek a middle ground by focusing on one or two non-threatening issues that may have come up in your discussions. For example, From our discussion of the problem with slow placement due to economic downturn, I think we should look into the possibility of giving more practical knowledge and exposure to the students. It will make the students more employment ready. I also think, we need to do a thorough analysis of what the companies are expecting out of the students and try to fill the gap existing between the expectations and reality. †Such an answer indicates you are open to making changes but you also have a certain non-threatening decision-making style. Your response should sound sensible and innovative.What's your dream job? This is your ideal chance to sell your aptitudes that fit the job description you would be offered after completing the program. Show an interest in finding new ways of using the skills you will acquire during the course period and also that you can be put to use in new ro les with additional responsibilities. â€Å"My dream job would include the execution of all of the theoretical and practical knowledge I will gain from the program. Also, all the responsibilities and duties in the position of a manager will be handed over to me in my dream job.I also thrive in a fast-changing environment where there's business growth. Your plans include attracting international placement during the next year, and this would satisfy one of my ultimate goals of being involved in an international corporation. †What color is your brain? Be aware that you'll probably be asked to speak on such topic. The point is not to stump you, but to find out what makes you tick. When the standard extempore topics are presented, people are prepared and it's harder for the recruiter to get to know the real person. An MBA admission panel, for example, tries to avoid repeated topics.But, different and conventional topic like the one above has no right or wrong answer. In fact, th e panel won't even really care what your answer is. He or she just doesn't want to hear something like, â€Å"I don't know, I guess it's blue because that's the way I imagine it. †The point is to see how creative you are and how you think. Be sure to explain why you answered the way you did. â€Å"My brain is red because I'm always hot. I'm always on fire with new plans and ideas. †Consider the following scenario: You are placed in a company after completion of your program. One evening you are working late and are the last person in the office.You answer an urgent telephone call to your supervisor from a sales rep who's currently meeting with a potential client. The sales rep needs an answer to a question to close the sale. Tomorrow will be too late. You have the expertise to answer the question, but it's beyond your normal level of authority. How do you respond? This response shows that the candidate is confident in his or her ability and can be counted on in an em ergency. Similarly, your answer should indicate that you're not afraid to be the decision maker in a tough situation, even if the situation's beyond your normal level of authority. I'd get all the pertinent information, taking well-documented notes. I'd answer the question based on my knowledge and the information provided. I'd leave my supervisor a note and fill him or her in on the details the next morning. I'd be sure to explain my decision, as well as the thought process behind it. †â€Å"What is change management? †Such type of question is asked, generally to check your coping mechanisms for responding to changes. It tests how systematic your approach could be in dealing with change, both from the perspective of an organization and on the individual level.A somewhat ambiguous term, change management has at least three different aspects, including: adapting to change, controlling change, and effecting change. A proactive approach to dealing with change is at the c ore of all three aspects. The response could be â€Å"Change management is a term used to refer to the introduction of new processes in an organisation, or the management of people who are experiencing change. Successful adaptation to change is as crucial within an organization and the individuals in them inevitably encounter changing conditions as they are powerless to control.The more effectively one deals with change, the more likely he or she thrives. Adaptation might involve establishing a structured methodology for responding to changes in the business environment. †Online learning In today’s world, many adults find themselves unsatisfied with their college and institution and wish for something more but demands on their time and schedule make this seem impossible. The good news is that the Internet has many online learning opportunities available that allows one to gain a higher education, learn new skills, and become more marketable.And the great thing about t he benefits of online learning and online education is that one can get an education according to their own schedule and can do it from the comfort of their own home. In fact, thousands of working professionals have been able to increase their knowledge and jobs skills without ever having to enter a classroom, thanks to online classes. By asking you to speak on this topic, the panel might check your understanding on technology and current trends.Your response towards online learning could be favorable or unfavorable, but don’t be indifferent towards this topic as this shows that you have no idea about the latest revolutions. Your response could be, â€Å"Online Learning could be considered as learning in the virtual classroom. While there are indeed many solid career opportunities available today, the market place is extremely competitive, making higher education that much more vital to successfully landing the job of one’s own dreams. But one of the leading concerns for students, as well as working class, is to consider entering the world of expensive education.Fortunately, there are plenty of distance learning courses that make it possible for willing students to learn from the comfort of their own home without having to worry about many other expenses like commutation expenses, lodging and boarding expenses, etc. Plus, these distance learning programs have been gaining a good degree of credibility throughout the professional world, so one can be confident of receiving an education that will be acknowledged by major companies. †Are MBA Salaries Still on the Rise? These questions help the panel in understanding ‘what is your actual aim- Knowledge or mere Money? If you crave for mere Money, i. e. you are driven by the high salary hype, you will not be considered a good candidate as money minded people generally don’t concentrate on effectiveness and quality. But if you are truly driven by your inner force of learning, you wil l certainly get that chance by securing a seat in your desired college. Your response to this question could be, â€Å"This depends on the situation of the individual student and other factor such as, the type of industry they are in, the company for which they are employed, and the prior skills they bring with them into the workforce.Attending an MBA school still has the potential to raise your value and increase your personal bottom line, but it is not a guarantee. However, the economy has already begun to turn around, and many financial organizations are posting large profits again and have begun to recruit MBA graduates for a variety of positions. MBA holders work in a variety of positions, including financial controllers, senior financial analysts, project managers, marketing directors, and of course as CFOs and CEOs. Salaries for these elite positions can be much higher than mid-level jobs. How has the Economic downturn changed the Outlook for MBA's? This topic again will int roduce your actual thoughts to the panel. In reality, the economic downturn has actually changed the outlook for MBA’s. Those who were sheer driven by the money behind MBA degree have taken a U-Turn and made way for those who are in real wanted to pursue this course for making an established career. This topic can earn you a definite seat in you dream college. So your response could be positive like, â€Å"It is still as good a time as any to earn an MBA.In fact, as the economy begins to turn around – and all indications point to that process already beginning – more opportunities for management specialists will be available. Most companies were forced to decrease their staffs using steps such as early retirement and lay-offs in order to survive the economic downturn. As the economy begins to swing upward, these companies will be seeking managers that are not only experienced, but are also knowledgeable about the many legal changes that have been instituted uri ng the crisis. This means if one undergoes earning an MBA today, he or she will likely be taught the legal changes as they are implemented. The goal of the MBA is to provide the company with the experience and knowledge that will put oneself in high demand in corporate world. MBA programs around the world are adapting their curriculums to reflect the changes made in today’s business world. An MBA will strive to provide the company with a better understanding of the new economy. â€
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Autobiography †original writing Essay
I had five months to sort out my work experience placement and thought that I had more than enough time in which to do so. Before long, however, I was called to Mr Williams’s office, the man in charge of finalising the work experience. I had just found out that I had overnight to get a placement somewhere, otherwise I’ll be stuck in school with year 9 for the week. My ideal placement would be something to do with sports because that’s my favourite subject in school but I knew I couldn’t find somewhere and get a reply all in one night. The only placement I knew I could go without having to wait for a reply was with my mother! My mother works at Cardiff University in the Biochemistry Unit. I’m still not sure exactly what she does, but I think it’s something along the lines of teaching and researching into cells. Before I knew it work experience had almost arrived. It was very tense around the house; I suppose I was excited because I didn’t have a clue what I was going to be doing and also a little scared for the same reason. The first morning was pretty easy because I had no dress code, and as my mother is her own boss, I had no strict hours either. Also I didn’t have to be polite around my mother, so I could just be my self. I was sort of expecting it to be boring working with my mother but nothing could prepare me for what I did on my first day. My first chore of the day was to fill, empty, sterilise and prepare bottles for other people. This wasn’t very challenging, so I got bored quickly. In the afternoon my mum noticed I was bored, so let me do the jobs she hates. Firstly, she made me sort out the bookshelves in her office. This included sorting out a 6ft long shelf full of catalogues, into alphabetical order and to date. The earliest being from 1992. After finishing that, she put my keyboard skills to good use by making me type out the register on the computer for four of her classes. At the end of my first day I was disappointed for not having had a fun day. I also felt worried in case my whole week would be this boring. The second day was a little bit more challenging. In the morning I had to draw pictures on a computer for my mother’s poster. This was irritating because nothing was perfect enough for her. She kept on making me change the smallest details, and I realised that day that she was the fussiest person I knew, but the finished product managed to satisfy her. In the afternoon I worked with my mother’s friend, Mike Turner, who works in the Electro Microscopy Unit in the university. This is where they take pictures with really big powerful microscopes. At first I was quite shy because I’ve never met him before. I suppose I was expecting him to be a shy brainy man that wouldn’t really talk to me. On the contrary, he would not stop talking and make jokes. I felt like I could talk to him easy and that made me feel comfortable beeing there. He sat me down by one of the microscopes and made me look at bugs and flowers through it. This was different and I enjoyed it more than my mother’s office, although it got boring after a while sitting in front of a screen just looking at bugs. On the third day, I met another of my mother’s friends, Guy Pitt. He is a photographer and developer in the university. I wasn’t that nervous because my older sister did the same for her work experience and told me he was the best man to work with, and he was by far the best person who looked after me that week because he thought about what I might like to do. He gave me an expensive camera and sent me around town to take photos of anything. I took pictures of Cardiff Castle and animals like birds and squirrels. In the afternoon I met Mike Turner again and took pictures of cells with his microscope camera. Although he was enthusiastic about the cells I didn’t find them that interesting and just pretended to like the pictures I took. The fourth day was the best day of the week. I was in Guy’s hands for the day. I met him in the morning and he gave me the camera with a new film and sent me to town again and told me to return at two o’clock. In town I met a lot of my friends and went shopping and took pictures of a burnt building that was in ruins. When I returned we changed the films into negatives in the dark room by using all sorts of chemicals, and let them dry for Friday. On Friday, Guy and I changed the negatives into real pictures. He was very impressed with the pictures I took of the burnt building and asked if he could keep some. This made me feel good of my self and made me consider a career in photography, maybe sport photography. We finished by eleven o’clock so he gave me the afternoon off and I went home. I enjoyed the experience despite having doubts about it at the beginning of the week. The best part of the week was working with Guy, he really made me think about my career.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Theme Assignment Great Expectations Essays
Theme Assignment Great Expectations Essays Theme Assignment Great Expectations Essay Theme Assignment Great Expectations Essay Essay Topic: Great Expectations â€Å"If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.†This quote by Edmund Burke explains the complex topic of wealth and moral integrity. Wealth plays a big role in our lives and determines our social class. With this comes the generalization that if you are of lower class, you will have low moral integrity and if you are of upper class, you will have high moral integrity. Rather, it is commonly the opposite. In Great Expectations, Charles Dickens develops the ironic theme that commoners of the lower class have high moral values as they are unaffected by pride and greed, and, therefore, are uncommon; conversely, those of the upper class have low moral values as they are commonly motivated by pride and greed. Through the characters of Joe, Bentley Drummle and Pip, we can see how their social class determines their moral integrity. But I did mind you, Pip, he returned, with tender simplicity. When I offered to your sister to keep company, and to be asked in church at such times as she was willing and ready to come to the forge, I said to her, And bring the poor little child. God bless the poor little child, I said to your sister, theres room for him at the forge!' (pg. 53) Joe, a blacksmith, is Pip’s brother-in-law but more importantly, he develops to be Pip’s father figure as the novel progresses. He married Pip’s sister, Mrs. Joe, to be able to take care of both of them. As a commoner, you would expect that he would want some benefit from his marriage. But, in reality, Joe actually loses more than he gains. He has to support two more people now, and he is constantly being abused by Mrs. Joe, whether the beatings be intended for himself or Pip. So, as we can see, there is no evident benefit Joe is getting from his marriage. Well, at least not from a reader’s perspective. Right off the bat, we can tell from this example what kind of person Joe is: a loving, selfless and
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Song Analysis by Walt Whitman
The poem, A Song, by Walt Whitman appears in Leaves of Grass. This edition collection of poems appeared in 1867. It is the workshop for the other versions that followed. â€Å"A Song†is not as well-known as some of Whitman’s other songs. This one like many of his poems celebrates comradeship and nature. It appears in the Calamus section of the 1867 book. It does not appear in later additions. The poem praises the soldiers who fought for America’s freedom. The emphasis on comradeship grows throughout the four stanzas. It starts with life-long love grows to manly love and ends with high-towering love. He uses lots of images from nature as well including â€Å"trees along the rivers,†â€Å"along the shores,†â€Å"all over the prairies. †This emphasis of the water is no coincidence as ships and those that worked on them fascinated Whitman. He loved ride the ferries and spend time along the East River in New York state. His patriotic side shines through this poem too with phrases like â€Å"the continent indissoluble,†â€Å"divine magnetic lands,†â€Å"O Democracy. †His ideals of a united nation present in the poem, contrast with the country as it really was, with racial problems and disputes between the North and South. This ideal grew out of his visits with wartime veterans after seeing the harm that segregation did to the country. At very young age, this ideal emerged through his friendship with Tom Paine, who wrote Common Sense. Whitman wrote this poem shortly after the Emancipation Proclamation produced the freedom that many questioned could ever occur. Keats, Bryant, and Emerson inspired much of his poetry and followed their examples especially in his newer editions of Leaves of Grass. In â€Å"A Song,†music tries to ring through the words. Whitman was a master at matching images with musical sounds. The reader can almost hear the river through the trees or the song of the prairies. In the poem, his love for music reaches out to people. Music is universal and brings people of all races together. Whitman seems to say that through song all nations can achieve these things. By replacing the â€Å"I†in this poem with songs or song, the reader sees how important song and music became to Whitman. Whitman was largely self-taught learning his trade as a teenager. He worked in a print shop. He learned much about journalism and grew to love writing in all its forms. Among other things, he was a schoolteacher, a journalist, an editor. He also wrote fiction and essays.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Family nursing diagnoses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Family nursing diagnoses - Essay Example The X family united 10 years ago through a family friend. The blended family also lives with JK’s brother who assisted her in parenting the two kids (PT and MM). The two parents in X family hold various positions in the society as JK is a social worker while ST is a retired serviceman. The children in X family have an age difference of 3 years with close bounds to JK who is the mother. MM is a first born girl in the family who helps the family meet the daily needs by working at a local restaurant. PT is a second born boy child who studies at a local college within the environments of the X family. The family’s description is a closely related association as every family member works towards improving the family life. Jean Watson’s theory focuses on the holistic provision of human caring services related to a given public. The defining pillars of the theory focus majorly on caring transactions based on caring relationship that is effective for public health. As such, the patient care is of central focus defining the relationship between a member of a given society and the medical practitioner specifically the nurse. Human services are of significance under Jean Watson’s theory due to the elaborated action plan of public health contentment. The theory also is noteworthy in public health due to the specifications on personal health by the nursing professionals. The interaction segment provides moral support to the patients within various aspects of life. The story sharing structure is a significant provision for the community health programs (Schnabel et al., 2014). Jean Watson’s theory identifies the significance of enhancing a patient to nurse relationship based on optimal re sults. The possible nursing diagnoses for family X include a stress tolerance program. The suggested program is effective in dealing with post-trauma complications that could arise from the family
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Free Black people in Antebellum America between 1820-1861 Essay
Free Black people in Antebellum America between 1820-1861 - Essay Example ng the effect of anti-black laws were segregation, lack of opportunities among blacks either at school or at work, lack of political participation in the public sphere and the general disenfranchisement against the blacks that made life difficult for them. Albeit there were few free blacks prior to the Antebellum period in America, they were still in danger of being relegated to slavery by many means such as being caught and sold into slavery, inability to pay debts and sold as slaves and losing their â€Å"freedom†documents which will automatically make them slaves since blacks were treated as slaves by default in the 18th century. And those who are deemed to be â€Å"free†still suffer from disenfranchisement, persecution and restrictions on their putative freedom. The rise of urban neighborhoods however slowly changed the political and economic prospect for the blacks. Urbanization nurtured black communities and from these communities emerged the free black people in Antebellum America which became prominent in periods 1820 to 1861. Community organizations, voluntary educations, mutual help societies and fraternal societies such as black temperance societies, Prince Hall Masons and Black Odd Fellows lodges helped united these emerging free black communities. And from these communities emerged the new northern black elite who were educated, professionals, wealthy and well connected that led antislavery movements. These emerging movements gave direction and mold for the black culture in the 20the century and later propelled the impetus for abolitionist movements that eventually emancipated the blacks such as the Civil Rights Movements which removed the invisible shackles of the blacks and made them equal in law and opportunity (Greven 173-174). One of the assertions of these new black elite was to racially integrate schools because segregated schools for the black were underfunded and poorly instructed. Black leaders realized that with the kind of schools
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
LL.M. Transnational Commercial law- Aspects of Insurance Essay
LL.M. Transnational Commercial law- Aspects of Insurance - Essay Example He said; Lord Mustill recently reviewed the history of good faith and the need to ensure full disclosure in the case of Pan Atlantic Insurance Co v Pine Top Insurance Co4, where he pointed out that the formulation of insurance policy is largely dependent upon information furnished before the execution of the contract, therefore the inequality of information may be addressed only by full disclosure of all relevant information. In Australia, Section 21 of the Insurance Contracts Act of 1984 (Cth) clearly lays out the scope of duty of a party that is purchasing insurance to disclose all the information that may be relevant to an insurer. This would include all information that is necessary for the insurer to make an objective assessment of the situation in order to decide whether or not it is prepared to accept the risk that is involved. In the recent case of McCabe v Royal and Sun Alliance Life Assurance Australia Ltd5 1, Mrs McCabe applied for insurance, but her condition was diagnosed only after she had sent in her preliminary application. But although Ms McCabe was hospitalized subsequently, she did not submit her doctor’s report to the insurance Company not disclose details of her illness and hospitalization. In this case, the Court held that the insurance Company was entitled to avoid the policy because Mrs McCabe had not fully disclosed all the relevant information about her health which was v ital to the insurer in making a determination about insuring her life. While a person seeking insurance is entitled to expect that an insurance Company will conduct its own independent analysis in making an assessment about the risk, the person seeking insurance also has a duty to provide all relevant information and a failure to do so would provide grounds for avoidance of the policy. The nature of non disclosure is also
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Relationship between GDP and Public Debt
Relationship between GDP and Public Debt On the Relationship between GDP and Public Debt during the EMU period (1991-present) The Maastricht Treaty laid out a central objective: that in order for the EMU to mature and lead to the establishment of a single currency in the EU – i.e. the Euro, the member nations’ fiscal and monetary policies had to be harmonized. The first task was for nations to reign-in their public debts by controlling their budget deficits. The Treaty created objectives that budget deficits had a ceiling of 3% of the GDP and the public debt had a prescribed limit of 60% of GDP. As Chart 1 reveals, that prior to the EMU efforts starting in 1991, there were some member nations that had extremely high public-debt to GDP ratios and they had to be under pressure to stabilize their government spending, and, hence the public debt. The idea behind imposing the upper limits on debt was to impose discipline and to reduce crowding out of private investment by lowering interest rates. As Chart 2 shows, that even though the growth rates of public debt in the pre-Euro years of the EMU era (1991 to 2005) were lower as compared to the pre-EMU period, they were still high for some countries. In order to study the relationship between GDP and Public Debt, this paper examines whether governments changed their fiscal policy regimes to suit the Maastricht goals. The dependent variable the ratio of Public Dent to Nominal GDP – is regressed on the GDP gap (i.e. the difference between Real GDP and the Potential Real GDP) as well as a dummy variable signaling a period when a regime shift would have occurred. The time-period is 1991-2005 and the data used is from the Eurostat (AMECO). There are two major events in the EMU era – the second phase of the process beginning in 1994 and the establishment of the Euro in 1999. So, two different models are studied – one that has a dummy variable equal to 1 for years 1994 – 2005 (Model A) and the other that has the dummy equal to 1 for 1999-2005 (Model B). If a country began controlling their debt around 1994, there should be a negative coefficient for the dummy in Model A and if they made a serious change in t heir fiscal policy around the time the Euro began, Model B should have a negative coefficient for the dummy. The coefficient for the GDP-gap variable should be negative – as theory dictates. (Macroeconomic theory tells us that governments ought to use expansionary fiscal policy in times of recessions and contract their deficits when the Real GDP cycle turns positive.) OLS Results for Model A. OLS Results for Model B. * These equations had evidence of auto-correlated errors; ** For these cases it is uncertain as to whether or not autocorrelation exists. The coefficient for the GDP gap is negative in almost all cases in both models. Most of the countries that do not have negative coefficients for the dummy variables in either model were those that had low public debt ratios to begin with – i.e. Austria, Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, and Spain. While Germany also had relatively low levels of debt, the integration of East Germany must have generated fiscal pressures. Among the high-debt countries – Belgium, Ireland, France, and Greece – only the first two show evidence of changing their fiscal policies in the EMU period. France and Greece continued with fairly high growth rates of debt growth. The fact that more countries demonstrate regime changes (negative coefficients for the dummy variable) in Model B might reflect that with the starting of the common currency, there was greater pressure to conform to Maastricht’s conditions. (For the cases exhibiting autocorrelated errors, I tried estimating the equations with differenced variables but that did not lead to improvement with respect to the problem. Hence, the original versions are displayed).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Retail Inventory :: essays research papers fc
     Retail Inventory-Level Planning consists of retail inventory method (RIM) which is an accounting procedure whose objectives are to maintain a perpetual. It also can book inventory in retail dollars amounts and to maintain records that make it possible to determine the cost value of the inventory at any time without taking a physical inventory. Also known as book inventory system or perpetual book inventory. Retailers also have another important choice to make the stock to sales ratio. The stock to sales ratio is derived directly from the planned inventory to determine monthly additions to stock in the merchandise budget plan.      Retailers generally think of their inventory at retail price levels rather than at cost. Retailers use their initial markups, additional markups, and markdowns, and so forth as percentages of retail. When retailers compare their prices to competitors’, they use retail prices. The problem is that when retailers to design their financial plans, evaluate performance, and prepare financial statements, they need to know the cost value of their inventory. Retailers use physical inventories. This process is time consuming and costly. Retailers take physical inventories once or twice a year.      Many retailers use point of sale terminals that keep track of every item sold its original cost, and its final selling price. The rest of the retailers face a problem of not knowing the cost value of their inventory at one time. These retailers with either computerized or manual systems can use retail inventory method. Their are five advantages for using RIM over a system of inventory at cost. The does not have to â€Å"cost†each time. When retailers have many SKUs, keeping track of each item becomes difficult and expensive. It is easier to determine the value of inventory with the retail prices marked on the merchandise than unmarked or at coded cost prices. The second advantage for using RIM is that it follows the accepted accounting principal of valuing assets at cost or market value, which is lower. This system lowers the value of inventory when markdowns are taken but does not allow inventory’s value increase with additional markups.           When using RIM, the amounts and percentages of initial markups, markdowns, and shrinkage can be identified. This information can then be compared with historical records or industry norms.      RIM is useful for determining shrinkage. The difference between the book inventory and the physical inventory can be attributed to shrinkage.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Personal training
Personal Training I have a passion for action sports, physical fitness and wellbeing. There is no better feeling in the world than being healthy. Along with being healthy, comes physical fitness and athleticism. But accomplishing these goals is no easy task. Athletes don't wake up every day physically in top shape and able to perform their best athletically without hours on top of hours of hard work and proper dieting.Not many athletes know the ins and outs of proper training and dieting, which is why hey refer to a personal trainer for the tips and advice they need to succeed. A major in Kinesiology is an excellent way to gain the proper knowledge to help athletes get to where they need to be. As a personal trainer, you have many duties related to your Job. Trainers are responsible for providing various personal training services that help members maximize their workout efficiency. And to also improve physical fitness and wellbeing. Personal trainers demonstrate exercises.These vary , depending on his or her client's level of fitness capability, age and weight. These demonstrated exercises ould be as simple as a squat or as advanced as a power clean. It is important as a trainer to get to know your client. Such as their level of fitness, what theyre physically capable of performing. Personal trainer need to be able to determine what exercises can benefit their client or potentially harm them (California). Trainers are also responsible for creating a healthy diet plan for their client to follow, in order to help accomplish their fitness or health goals.This part of personal training is the most difficult. Diet plans can be very difficult for the average person to follow and keep track of. Just like the physical part of personal training, a diet plan very depending on client's fitness goals, age and weight. For example, if a middle aged man is looking to lose a significant amount of weight, he would need to do a few things. First, in order to lose weight your bod y need to burn carbohydrates that have been consumed in the past twenty-four hours. Once your body has depleted all unused carbohydrates, it can now access your bodys stored fat source and start to burn it off.But in order to burn carbohydrates in the first place, he must engage in high intense exercises, which min in their late thirties usually don't do. So what needs to happen is he must alter his diet to eat six times a day. The content of his diet would be low carbs and proteins. The reason for him to eat six times a day is to keep his metabolism running so he can burn fat during his daily routine. Along with a diet, comes exercise with his personal trainer. His workouts would consist of very low weight, with a high number of repetition.The reason for low weight workouts is because he would be low on carbs which would highly effect his strength. The high amount of reps will cause his muscles to fire quicker, causing him to burn carbohydrates then start burning stored tat ( Train ers can work in many different places. For example, if a trainer has a group workout in urban areas, he could meet his clients at a local park or running trail. The most common place would be the gym, where a personal trainer can train one or more individuals. Trainers even go to clients homes for personal workouts.That's usually the case for elderly people who would have a hard time leaving their home. Qualified trainers travel to hospitals to train rehabilitated patients who may have been injured in an accident and is in need to re-train their muscles (United). To become a trainer is not very difficult. A degree is not needed, but would be very beneficial. My personal trainer, Brodie Priestley recommended a degree in kinesiology and nutrition. Also having a background in sports and powerlifting benefit me. Even though a degree in not required, sources indicate it would do nothing but help (United States).During my interview I asked my trainer Priestley what made him choose kinesio logy as his profession. â€Å"It was simple†Priestley replied. â€Å"My father was a world class power lifter, benching over five-hundred pounds as a senior in high school. So like every kid, I wanted to be Just like my father. I fell in love with lifting weights and lay sports. The more I lifted weights, the more results I saw and I began to feel better about myself,†Priestley explained. â€Å"l quickly got addicted to lifting weights and wanted to keep progressing.I began to educate myself more on lifting weights and ways to get bigger and stronger. My obsession with lifting weights and muscles development got to the point where I stopped playing sports to focus on powerlifting. †Priestleys hard work was paying off as he took first place in numerous powerlifting events. â€Å"l wasn't Just winning, I was blowing my competition out of the water,†Priestley explained. Priestley worked his way up to become the number three power lifter in the nation, an d later broke the world record in bench press for his weight class. It was obvious that I was good at what I did, so I wanted to help others accomplish their physical fitness goals. So I began Personal training at a local gym. I quickly fell in love with helping others and seeing them progress. It's a cool feeling, I couldn't be happier with what I'm doing†Priestley explained to me. I asked Priestley what he though was the toughest part about being a personal trainer. Priestleys response was simple, he told me that â€Å"as long as you're doing omething you love, it doesn't really matter what you do to get there.But I guess the hardest part of being a personal trainer would be getting some clients to trust you and to buy into your system. †Priestley continued on saying that some people who may have been out of shape most of their life have a hard time believing that they can lose weight and get in shape by following my weight loss program, which makes it difficult to train that individual. Next I asked Priestley what he liked most about his Job. Priestley responded by saying â€Å"The best part of my Job is seeing true results in my clients. There is no better feeling as a trainer knowing that you helped someone get healthy and physically fit.In most cases that is a life changing event for people who used to be highly over weight and unhealthy. That person can now walk around proud of their appearance and have all the confidence in the world, all because of my help. To me there is no better teeling. †Even though I learned that an education is not need to become a trainer, I asked Priestley what steps he took in school to get where he is today. Priestley told me that getting his master's degree in kinesiology, and minor degree in nutrition was the martest thing he has ever done. My degree helped me in every way possible, I now have an edge on a lot of trainers that might not have a degree. But not only am I more educated but my degree get s me more business which is awesome! †Researching my career choice has reassured me that becoming a personal trainer is who I am going to become. My trainer has had the biggest impact on my decision. He has helped me so much and IVe also seen him help many others. I learned that what you get out of training someone is the ultimate prize. In conclusion kinesiology is what I have chosen as my career choice. Personal training Personal Training I have a passion for action sports, physical fitness and wellbeing. There is no better feeling in the world than being healthy. Along with being healthy, comes physical fitness and athleticism. But accomplishing these goals is no easy task. Athletes don't wake up every day physically in top shape and able to perform their best athletically without hours on top of hours of hard work and proper dieting.Not many athletes know the ins and outs of proper training and dieting, which is why hey refer to a personal trainer for the tips and advice they need to succeed. A major in Kinesiology is an excellent way to gain the proper knowledge to help athletes get to where they need to be. As a personal trainer, you have many duties related to your Job. Trainers are responsible for providing various personal training services that help members maximize their workout efficiency. And to also improve physical fitness and wellbeing. Personal trainers demonstrate exercises.These vary , depending on his or her client's level of fitness capability, age and weight. These demonstrated exercises ould be as simple as a squat or as advanced as a power clean. It is important as a trainer to get to know your client. Such as their level of fitness, what theyre physically capable of performing. Personal trainer need to be able to determine what exercises can benefit their client or potentially harm them (California). Trainers are also responsible for creating a healthy diet plan for their client to follow, in order to help accomplish their fitness or health goals.This part of personal training is the most difficult. Diet plans can be very difficult for the average person to follow and keep track of. Just like the physical part of personal training, a diet plan very depending on client's fitness goals, age and weight. For example, if a middle aged man is looking to lose a significant amount of weight, he would need to do a few things. First, in order to lose weight your bod y need to burn carbohydrates that have been consumed in the past twenty-four hours. Once your body has depleted all unused carbohydrates, it can now access your bodys stored fat source and start to burn it off.But in order to burn carbohydrates in the first place, he must engage in high intense exercises, which min in their late thirties usually don't do. So what needs to happen is he must alter his diet to eat six times a day. The content of his diet would be low carbs and proteins. The reason for him to eat six times a day is to keep his metabolism running so he can burn fat during his daily routine. Along with a diet, comes exercise with his personal trainer. His workouts would consist of very low weight, with a high number of repetition.The reason for low weight workouts is because he would be low on carbs which would highly effect his strength. The high amount of reps will cause his muscles to fire quicker, causing him to burn carbohydrates then start burning stored tat ( Train ers can work in many different places. For example, if a trainer has a group workout in urban areas, he could meet his clients at a local park or running trail. The most common place would be the gym, where a personal trainer can train one or more individuals. Trainers even go to clients homes for personal workouts.That's usually the case for elderly people who would have a hard time leaving their home. Qualified trainers travel to hospitals to train rehabilitated patients who may have been injured in an accident and is in need to re-train their muscles (United). To become a trainer is not very difficult. A degree is not needed, but would be very beneficial. My personal trainer, Brodie Priestley recommended a degree in kinesiology and nutrition. Also having a background in sports and powerlifting benefit me. Even though a degree in not required, sources indicate it would do nothing but help (United States).During my interview I asked my trainer Priestley what made him choose kinesio logy as his profession. â€Å"It was simple†Priestley replied. â€Å"My father was a world class power lifter, benching over five-hundred pounds as a senior in high school. So like every kid, I wanted to be Just like my father. I fell in love with lifting weights and lay sports. The more I lifted weights, the more results I saw and I began to feel better about myself,†Priestley explained. â€Å"l quickly got addicted to lifting weights and wanted to keep progressing.I began to educate myself more on lifting weights and ways to get bigger and stronger. My obsession with lifting weights and muscles development got to the point where I stopped playing sports to focus on powerlifting. †Priestleys hard work was paying off as he took first place in numerous powerlifting events. â€Å"l wasn't Just winning, I was blowing my competition out of the water,†Priestley explained. Priestley worked his way up to become the number three power lifter in the nation, an d later broke the world record in bench press for his weight class. It was obvious that I was good at what I did, so I wanted to help others accomplish their physical fitness goals. So I began Personal training at a local gym. I quickly fell in love with helping others and seeing them progress. It's a cool feeling, I couldn't be happier with what I'm doing†Priestley explained to me. I asked Priestley what he though was the toughest part about being a personal trainer. Priestleys response was simple, he told me that â€Å"as long as you're doing omething you love, it doesn't really matter what you do to get there.But I guess the hardest part of being a personal trainer would be getting some clients to trust you and to buy into your system. †Priestley continued on saying that some people who may have been out of shape most of their life have a hard time believing that they can lose weight and get in shape by following my weight loss program, which makes it difficult to train that individual. Next I asked Priestley what he liked most about his Job. Priestley responded by saying â€Å"The best part of my Job is seeing true results in my clients. There is no better feeling as a trainer knowing that you helped someone get healthy and physically fit.In most cases that is a life changing event for people who used to be highly over weight and unhealthy. That person can now walk around proud of their appearance and have all the confidence in the world, all because of my help. To me there is no better teeling. †Even though I learned that an education is not need to become a trainer, I asked Priestley what steps he took in school to get where he is today. Priestley told me that getting his master's degree in kinesiology, and minor degree in nutrition was the martest thing he has ever done. My degree helped me in every way possible, I now have an edge on a lot of trainers that might not have a degree. But not only am I more educated but my degree get s me more business which is awesome! †Researching my career choice has reassured me that becoming a personal trainer is who I am going to become. My trainer has had the biggest impact on my decision. He has helped me so much and IVe also seen him help many others. I learned that what you get out of training someone is the ultimate prize. In conclusion kinesiology is what I have chosen as my career choice.
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